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The following day Dwhyte sat in the office of Espinosa Company Ltd. The computer screen illuminated from the top of the desk as he clutched the black pen in his right hand. He was chewing on a piece of tooth pick from his sandwich prior; as he concentrated on the screen. Him and Drian was going in between a rock and a hard place and it was like the more they wiggle to get free, they' were getting crushed simultaneously. There was not much room for communication and there was just negative vibe, even when nothing was said.

"Mr. Darin, Madam Espionosa had requested the paper-works. Are they ready?"

He looked to the door where Fiona, a middle-aged woman stood in the doorway. She had a hopeful look in her eyes as Dwhyte invited her in. The woman looked nice as usual, her cherry lipstick matched her dress, there was suede black heels and he knew it wore a black handbag she had to compliment.

"Um, yes," he searched the list of cream portfolios. It was probably the one less crinkled than the others so it was easily to find. He pushed the document in her hand so that she could leave, but her hesitance to take it had gotten his attention. "Is everything okay Miss Fiona."

The woman looked up to meet his eyes, she smiled warmly at him as she pushed the document back in his direction. "I think she would prefer you deliver it to her. She also said she wanted you to expound on what you've come up with so she can make informed but final decisions for the next operation."

Miss Espionosa would definitely say something like that. It sounded as if she had quoted the woman word for word. He smiled back at her and decided to go with them. As he walked out, Dwhyte could smell the freshly brewed office coffee, and the bagel and bakeries that were in the other room. His hands held onto the file tighter the more alerted he became, it was the first time she was actually summoning him to her office like that in a long while. And especially, wanting to hear his idea. The company was democratically run, as it was established as a partnership. Miss Espinosa thought there would quality decision making and operation if everyone had an input, it would not only benefit them, but the longevity of the firm too.

He stood right in front of the brown door, his hands clenched so that he could sound the door.

"Come in."

The woman said after two firm knocks.

Miss Catherine Espionosa, the first of two proprietors of the firm knocked the papers one last time to ensure level and paper-clipped them. She awaited the visitor, wasn't surprised to see Dwhyte. He looked different, she hadn't seen him much and for the past few months, he had matured. Had toned out, maybe got more athletic. After coming to the firm young and barely out of teenage year, she had started to see adulthood, manhood on him. His usually shaved face have grown out but groomed, his hair was freshly done, and his waves looked too good she thought it was fake. The natural slit in his eyebrows gave him a bad-boy vibe but he seemed quite the opposite. Catherine Espionosa gestured to the chair she couldn't help but watch him as he entered her den.

"You have them?"

She could only ask him as she watched the file in his right hand. Dwhyte took a seat in the plush white chair, her office screamed sophistication and beauty, and he could only look around in awe. Has he ever been in here before? Normally Fiona was her Delivery woman, her Assistant, but has he really never been here before? His eyes caught the bouquet of carnations in the corner, it reminded him of when he and Mickey had platonic relationship.


She asked sarcastically, Dwhyte cleared his throat and placed the paperwork on the desk. "Um, sorry. I uh, got distracted." He felt rude at the time since his boss didn't tell him to sit. She skipped through the file, facial expression bland, he couldn't decipher if she was impressed or not.

"Ma'am, this is what I've come up with." He took a breath and stared right at the woman that seemed to watch his every move. "I am so sorry to disappoint you but I've been so busy lately with personal stuff." He didn't want to expound. He doubt she knew Drian. Dwhyte tried his best to not mention his personal life, especially at a professional setting like work, but when it did, it meant he had no other choice.

Miss Espionosa was looking at him. She then reached and pulled out her mahogany drawer. He retracted the file, it was no longer important since there was nothing for her to assess. They was it was crisp and brown was too clean, it was obvious he didn't get to touch it once.

"Miss Espionosa. Please say something."

"Mr. Darin. You, as the head of the Accounting and Finance department, I've given you the responsibility of just reporting a brief summary of what our financial affairs are like. I know what expenditure and profits are like. But I can't just use estimate, I need accuracy."

"Ma'am this-"

She was quick to cut him off.

"Miss." She only wanted to correct him.

"Miss Espionosa, I know I told you that I will be a hard-working member of your team. Am I am sorry. Just be patient with me. I'll have this done immediately."

"And that prove the type of employee you are Mr. Darin. You are not flexible and you find reasons to excuse your lack of productivity."

She stood up, he too. It was like his job flashed in front of his eyes.
"Please listen Ma'am- Miss. Miss, I get it that you've established this business from scratch. You're aware of the risk but I would never put your company in any position to compromise its existence. Give me two days and it will be on your table first thing in the morning."

"You see, that's what I like about you. You set your goals. You're, you achieve, but you only lack time management."

She passed over one of the Company's notebook computer and gave him to work on. Miss Espionosa watched from the other side of her desk as Dwhyte occasionally bit his lips as he concentrated. His quick movement against the keyboard alerted her that he was typing so she discreetly observed. He rested the device on his lap.

"I'll be happy to let you know that I'll give you this computer. Still, it belongs to the company, but this way you'll be able to do your tasks literally from anywhere. Please sign into your work email and share your password with no one. Mr. Darin, I trust that you'll keep it in a good condition and whatever damage, you're accountable since you have gotten it without fault."

Dwhyte nodded, he signed in, and received an automatic email to his phone, and it was an obvious mail that was informing him that another device logged in. He had backed up every file in his drive so he was able to access them inclusively.


Dwhyte looked up from the mention of his name, he was surprised to see her hand stretched out, his phone, in her hands.

He took the device without hesitation, stood up and walked a few distance away where he could return the call in private.

The phone rang a few times and went to voicemail. Dwhyte did again and the same outcome happened.

"Darin, it's okay for tonight. It's past your hours anyway. Thank you for the extra hours tonight, its late and you should really go home."

"That's alright Miss, no pressure. You have a ride to go home?"

She looked up again, he swore she looked right in his soul.

"Yes, my ride will be here shortly thank you."


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