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you knew my love language was physical touch...

So you punched me in the fucking face...



The rain fell crazy that night. Catherine noticed his unease and offered him stay for the night which he politely refused, and drove off minutes later. He appreciate her thoughtfulness and charisma, though she seemed disappointed. He made a stop at his driveway, almost the middle of the night, took up most of his belongings. The front door was already open, only to find Adrianna on the couch. Legs folded, back poised as she gave off an authoritative aura, Dwhyte took the opposite direction and headed for the stairs.

Dwhyte saw her walk towards him, highly purposeful and with deep strides, he closed the door after himself and immediately went for the shower.

He soaped himself, properly but quick, he knew for sure that the woman was standing outside the door. He dried and changed into clothes from the hamper. His phone vibrated against the faucet with a text from Yev.

"Be careful."

Sent 12:08 am

He swiped it from the screen, for he knew Drian was a phone checker, though he couldn't get past the new code. He was frightened by the harsh knock to the door. The constant rattle and kicks, her feet went through the door, the place was messed with splinters and pieces of wood. The alarm went off all over the house, obviously triggered.

"Drian! I ain't playing with you!" When he finally pulled up the shorts, the door came crashing down completely flat on the porcelain tile. She bolted towards him, Dwhyte dodged the first time. Drian was a female kick-boxer so she knew how to professionally knock.

"Bitch!" He felt the stinging, the pain radiated from his jaw to his ringing ear. He felt deaf for a second, he felt himself being scuffed, the collar of his shirt in a brunch. His anger level rose. He didn't appreciate being manhandled.

"You are a whore!" She poked, Dwhyte was on the verge of lashing out. "My friends and family made a mockery out of me. And you dare embarrass me like that?"

She deliberately spat the saliva onto his face. Dwhyte pushed her she staggered few meters away from him.. Very angered, that she would do something like that.

"Leave me alone if you know what's good for you." Dwhyte said, he tried his best to not be drawn out. She was intoxicated, though he was enraged he couldn't and wouldn't fight back. He grabbed some stuff left the room as he tried to separate himself from her.

Adrianna was hot on his trail, he felt what felt like a charger rope wrapped around his neck. The tightness was suffocating, he tried to free himself but his attempts were futile. Her body ceame rigid against his, as he felt overwhelmed by her weight. He fell to the floor, with the encumbrance still on top of him. She landed thumbs, her knee pressed into his groin intentionally. Rendering him immobile.

"Stop this! Stop!"

The pain was gut wrenching. She shoved his hands down in his pants and sniffed, the action was frightening.

"You saw her today didn't you?" It wasn't a question, she saw the love marks on his neck, and the image of the other woman pleasuring her lover evoked a level of anger that she only saw red. If she could know exactly who this woman was, then she would've gone the heights to make her life a living hell.

"You want me to beat the fuck out of you?" She threatened, he pushed her off.

"Came home and headed straight for the shower. I can still smell her on you." Dwhyte felt warmness inside of his thighs. The pain made him nauseous, and worst her shouting.

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