Chapter 2- Jogging With Cornets

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-Six months ago-

Sleep. It shouldn't be a hard thing to sleep, especially when you're a student. Actually, let me rephrase what I just said. Finding time to sleep is hard when you're a student who studies hard, does their homework, has a job, and is part of a band that is going on tour soon. It sucks. Usually, I end up falling asleep during class.

You know how it is sometimes. The class is boring and you didn't get much sleep last night. In moments like those, your desk is as comfortable as a pillow and you feel as though you downed one too many sleeping pills.

"Y/N, wake up." I hear a voice say, and a hand shakes my arm. I snap out of my sleep and realize that I have once again fallen asleep at my desk. "You've been sleeping in class so often recently. Are you sure you're not overworking yourself?"

I look up to see my childhood friend Rokka gazing at me with concern in her emerald eyes that sit behind large glasses.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I yawn, taking a look around the class, realizing that most of the students have left already. "I slept through class again... didn't I?

"Yep, that's the third time this week."

"Why didn't you wake me up?" I ask, confused.

"The teacher said that we should let you sleep so you don't get more tired. Besides, you look so peaceful when you sleep," Rokka explains with a small smile.

"I can't keep doing this or I'm going to fail this class." I sigh and stand up. "Whatever, let's head out. I don't want to keep them waiting."

Rokka and I walk to the front gate of the school, waiting for my bandmates to arrive. This is where we would typically meet up before heading out to Kairi's to practice.

"I heard that you're on going on tour soon." Rokka says to me. "Are you feeling nervous about it?"

"Yeah, somehow our fanbase has been exploding." I yawn. "I'm just glad our identities are anonymous or I'd get too much attention at school. I don't think I could sleep in peace at my desk then."

"Oh Y/N~!" a voice shouts out. We turn around to my ditzy pink haired childhood friend, Hibiki biking straight towards us. He sharply turns his bike and slides sideways for a moment before falling on top of me, causing us both to tumble to the ground.

"Ow ow ow..." Hibki groans as we sit lay on the ground, and students passing by giving us strange looks.

"Eek! Y/N! Hibiki! Are you alright?" Rokka looks down at us with concern and worry.

"I'm fine... just got a pain in my ass... and one laying on the ground right next to me."

"That's not true!" Hibiki protests, jumping back onto his feet. "I'm a treat to have around! Say, how about we stop at my family's bakery on the way to Kairi's? I'll give you one of our famous chocolate cornets as an apology."

"Hmm..." I get up and put my hand on my chin pretending to be deep in thought. "Only if you give one to Rokka as well."

"You've got it, boss!" He slaps me on my back. "Quick detour to my place it is! But first, we've got to wait for the others."

"What were you even trying with your bike anyways?" Rokka asks him.

"I saw this movie called Akira last night. This character does this really cool stop on his motorbike and I thought I could do it." He explains as he picks his bike off the ground.

"Clearly you couldn't." I playfully punch him in the arm.

"Hey, it's way harder than it looks!" Hibiki protests

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