Chapter 12- Returns

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Today is finally the day. It's the day that I leave Tokyo for the summer. For the longest time, I dreaded this day. But now, I feel have mixed feelings about it. By the end of today, I'll be back in the countryside. There, I'll be away from all the friends that I hurt here.

You're doing it again, Y/N. You're running away from your problems once again. You ran away to Tokyo to run from your problems and now you're running from Tokyo to home to escape problems. You've come full circle.

"Are you ready to head out?" My aunt peaks her head into my room as I stand there, taking one last look at the room that I've spent the past few months in. You know, it's not too late to make things right, Y/N? You can still apologize. Maybe if you tell them you're leaving now, one of them will say goodbye to you at the station.

Like any of them would want to see me after what I said to all of them. Aya, Eve, and even Hina. I hurt them. I insulted them then ran. I may never see them again, never return to Tokyo again. Despite the option for apologies and forgiveness on the table, deep down I know I wont take it. I'll just keep running. It's what I do best.

How can I be the boy you dream about, Aya Maruyama? What do you see in someone like me? Is it just because I'm part of your favorite band?

"Yeah, just making sure I didn't forget anything." I reply to my aunt, forcing a smile as I turn to face her.

"And did you?" She asks.

"Doesn't look like it."

"You can thank me for that. If it weren't for your fracture, you would've had to be the one to do all the packing. You don't ever make things easy for Auntie Kyoko, do you?"

"I'm sorry..."

"I'm just teasing~."


"That's my name." She playfully replies.

"How is Pastel Palettes doing?"

"It's only been a few days since you quit. Don't worry, I've got a new producer lined up. Although I don't know how long he'll be working. Things aren't looking too hot for Pastel Palettes right now but you probably already knew that."

"This new producer isn't a high schooler, are they?"

"No no, good heavens no. I've learned from my mistake of having a team almost comprised entirely of high schoolers try to produce an idol band." She laughs a little to herself. "Although I wonder what ever happened to Hanne. I haven't heard anything about her since that incident. How about you? Wasn't she a student at Hanasakigawa?"

Now that I think about it, I haven't seen or heard anything from her since that incident. No glimpses of her at school, around town, or even messages from her. Nothing. It was as if she fell off the face of the earth.

"She was. I haven't seen or heard anything about her since then either." I admit.

"Is that so? I hope wherever she is, she's not pulling off stunts like she did at work." Kyoko responds.

I do wonder what she is up to. During that incident, I did learn that she was a stalker who had some... intentions for me. Just how long had she been stalking me for? And is she still out there waiting for the perfect time to strike? I shiver thinking just thinking about it.

"Let's hope so. Maybe she's back in Finland."

"Let's hope so. I don't want anything bad happening to you," Kyoko takes a glance at her watch. "We better head out if you don't want to miss your train."


I grab onto my suitcase with my good hand and follow her out of the house. I'm about to head out the front door but I hesitate. I stop and take one final look back at the inside of the house, the place that I've spent the past few months of my life. The place where I've changed. Maybe I'll see this place again next school year. Maybe I won't live in it ever again.

Pastel Dreams (Male Reader x Pastel Palettes)Where stories live. Discover now