Chapter 11- Fractures

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-The Next Day-

"Before we go any further, let's go over the basics one more time. First, set your camera to aperture priority mode. This will allow you to control the depth of field, which is important for capturing Oddie. sharply while blurring the background slightly. Make sure to get eye level too."

"So I should just lay on the floor for this photo?"

"Yep. You've got to do whatever if takes to get the perfect photo.

Okay, let's make sure we're on the same page. Earlier today, I decided to go to Yamabuki bakery to get chocolate cornets. Saya was there and offered to help me with photography. Although she had practice with Poppin Party later, she insisted that we could get quick photography practice in before her band practice. Before I knew it, I was dragged to the basement of a pawnshop called Ryuuseido to take photo's of Tae's "boyfriend" who was going to watch them practice.

I was expecting this to be way more awkward than it was. But, to my surprise, Tae's "boyfriend" was just her pet rabbit, Oddie. I would question who would refer to their pet rabbit as their boyfriend, but this is Tae we're talking about so I should've seen something like this coming.

My relationship with Saya is strange. It's not like we are friends, but we do see each other often. She's the one I almost always see when I want to get chocolate cornets. Her and that white-haired girl who's name I can never remember. I feel like that girl's name is similar to the name of a certain type of coffee. Not to mention that I cross her a few times while at school.

We've talked a few times, but not a lot. I once mentioned that I wanted to learn photography and she's always been wanting to teach me. So, I figured it wouldn't hurt to have her be my teacher.

"This would be easier if Oddie would stay still." I sigh as I lay on the cold floor, looking through the camera. "Tae, can't you do something to keep him from moving?"

"Where ever Oddie pleases, he will go." Tae says.

Oddie stays still for a moment, and I attempt to take a photo.

"... It's blurry again."

The sound of the staircase creaking catches our attention, and we see the owner, who is apparently Arisa Ichigaya's grandmother.

"Would you guys like some tea?" She asks us.

"Yes, please!" Tae happily responds.

"I'm never going to get a good photo of Oddie..." I mumble.

"Don't put yourself down, Y/N. Remember, practice makes perfect, so don't hesitate to experiment and try different angles and settings. Photography is all about capturing moments!" Saya tries to cheer me up.

"I just remembered. Oddie stays still when I put him on top of my head." Tae says, picking up Oddie and raises him on top of her long black-hair "See, he isn't moving because he likes it there. You can get us both this way. It will be like a couple's portrait."

More like he doesn't move because he has no place to go. Whatever, I'll seize this opportunity to get a photo. However, right as I take the photo, once more, the sound of footsteps catches our attention, only for us to see Arisa coming down the staircase this time.

"Since when did you all get here?!" Arisa asks upon seeing us all relaxing in her basement.

"Like half an hour ago." I say, inspecting the photo. "... It's blurry again."

"I wasn't asking you. Never mind that, what are you doing here? You're not even part of the band."

"Don't be so rude to your boyfriend, Arisa." Her grandmother teases appearing from behind Arisa with the tea.

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