Chapter 6- Lights! Action!

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Do you ever have a moment where you say something, and by observing the person's reaction, it feels as if you selected the wrong dialogue option in a game? Based on the expressions everyone is wearing right now, that's exactly the sensation I'm getting.

"... Sabotage?" Chisato utters with a displeased look. "That's your plan? Surely, you can't be serious."

I made this plan up in like ten seconds and I know it's not the best, but it's all I got.

"I am serious. If we can pull this off without anyone noticing, Aya will be able to perform live. This way, the agency will witness Aya's live performance, and the fans will realize that you haven't been deceiving them."

"So I'm assuming you know how to do this?" She raises an eyebrow.

Actually... how am I supposed to do this? I didn't think this through, did I? If there's anyone here who might know how to actually do this, it would be Maya.

"Umm... Maya, you're the technician here, why don't you explain how this sort of thing would work?" I say, hoping that she has some clue of what to do.

"I'm glad you asked!" Maya responds with enthusiasm. "If they're doing this the way they did last concert then the audio will be coming from the playback system. There should be a technician responsible for ensuring the lip-sync tracks blend seamlessly with the live performance and the overall sound mix. But I know what you're thinking. How does should mixing work? Well-"

"Where can we find this technician person?" I cut her off knowing that if I didn't she would got carried away.

"They should be located just off the side of the stage." she points in a specific direction. "Oh, by the way, can I come along? This kind of equipment is like a holy grail for any audio enthusiast! There's so much I'd love to observe firsthand!"

I sigh a deep sigh of relief. She knows how this equipment works way better than I do. She should be more than capable of handling this.

"Do you think you'd be able to get rid of the lip-syncing stuff without them noticing?"

"Sounds easy enough." Maya replies with a confident smile.

"If you're really going to do this then be careful please." Aya interjects. "I don't want you to get into any trouble because of all the effort you're putting in for me."

"It's okay, Aya. You went through all of this effort for us, so don't worry about it." I reassure her. "Besides, I made that promise to you last night."

"If you say so. Just don't get caught."

"We'll try not to." I take a look at Maya. "You lead the way, Maya."

"You got it!"

I follow Maya around as staff members scurry around, diligently completing last-minute preparations.

"It should be just beyond that door." Maya points. As we approach the door, two technicians emerge. One is a middle-aged man with long black hair, while the other is a younger guy, roughly my age, with slicked-back short blonde hair.

"I suppose we have no other option but to approach them." I remark, feeling a tinge of uncertainty. "Are you good at improvising or lying?"

"Not really." Maya admits.

"Neither am I. Let's hope for the best."

"O-okay then."

"Excuse me." I speak up, stepping forward with Maya by my side. "I'm Y/N L/N, co-producer of Pastel Palettes."

"And I'm Maya Yamato, the drummer of Pastel Palettes. Whether you read it forward or backward, it remains the same." Maya introduces herself.

I like that catchphrase a lot. Good thing we're speaking Japanese and not English or that palindrome wouldn't work.

Pastel Dreams (Male Reader x Pastel Palettes)Where stories live. Discover now