[Note: As Wattpad shuffled the chapters,
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Jeon Jungkook.
What is he doing here actually?
He’s standing almost two feet away from me, staring at the sky. He’s wearing a black suit with a white shirt underneath, tie is gone, two of the buttons are undone,exposing his rock like chest, black slacks, expensive loafer, Jet black long messy hair with mullet. One of his veiny hands shoving inside the pocket, with the other one, he is clutching a cigarette.
He lifts his hand near his mouth and places the cigarette between his lips, inhales deeply and blows out some smoke. Which is making him look more devilishly handsome than already he is.
“As if you’re so concerned about me when you’re literally smoking, God knows how many cigarettes you have burned.”
I wanted to tell him but didn't. I keep silent and keep inhaling the smoke. “Does your Mum know that her best daughter who is so afraid of God is actually smoking?” He punchers smoothly and I roll my eyes. He lifts his veiny hand again and inhales the smoke. He really should stop doing that. His tattooed hand with some sort of tattoos are still visible every time he is lifting his hand and the blazer’s sleeve stretches above.
His strong muscle is flexing through the balzer’s thick fabric making me wonder how well built he is actually. Why am I actually wondering? I shouldn’t be ogling a guy like him. He’s dangerous. I quickly look away and put the leftover cigarette in my purse. I actually don't want to talk to him. I don’t want to give him my voice.
I wonder how many times he had heard me talk. Probably once. Whatever. What if he judges me like other people who make fun of me because of my voice? He’s Olivia’s father. Only one student whom I tutored and even stayed with her. And her actual father, who happens to be Jeon Jungkook, took her away a couple of months ago. I’m still in contact with Oliva though as she’s attending her physical classes at my school.
She makes sure to meet me at least once a day. Saying how much she misses me as she wants to be with me all the time. And I was so attached to her that it literally tore my heart apart when her father took her away. He could have let her stay there but he didn’t. And I hate him for that.
“As if he would stop himself from doing that if you had tried to stop him. Silly, Liliana.”
Sighing deeply, I get up from the rock I have been sitting on all the time and about to leave, however, Jeon Jungkook has another plan with him. “Did I tell you to leave without answering my question, Liliana?” He asks with his deep voice and I almost gasp to wonder how deep and dominant his voice is sounding right now. Nope, this is not a good sign at all.