Chapter 39

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It's crazy how a month just went away like I just blinked and everything changed so far. I'm still with Jungkook and to be highlighted, he has been taking care of me like I'm another kid like Olivia. Trust me, he's been sticking up with me all the time like I would be kidnapped or I would commit suicide if he isn’t with me.

That—makes my heart flutter though, why is he so nice now? Shouldn’t he stop doing this which makes my heart beat like a drum and he's in control of my poor heart which I'm trying so much to control so that it doesn’t beat like that when I'm around Jungkook. It has something else to do which is pumping blood, however, it's doing something unusual I never thought would happen.

Sighing deeply, I try to pay attention to the dough I'm making for the pizza as I'm planning to cook for—well, Jungkook. I can assure you that I'm a potato when it comes to cooking as I never stepped into the kitchen that much for it, to be very specific, I never needed to and my mother never allowed me to the kitchen as I was about to burn down the whole house so, she never permitted me after that incident. 


Jungkook changed my contact number again and I didn’t hear from my stalker yet which is a pretty absurd thing, it's like the gloomy weather before the huge storm that will destroy my life. Every time I ask Jungkook something about this matter, he avoids it professionally, sometimes with a kiss that leads to sex or sealing my mouth in other ways, yet, he doesn't talk about this matter.

I'm unsure why.

But yeah, he told me that the stalker is a professional hacker as he hacked into the hotel's website and entered to the guy's room so smoothly and sedated him with drug and he wasn’t aware of anything about this matter that he took my photos where I was literally naked and Jungkook was fucking me.

Decorating the dough with pizza sauces and other essentials, and the extra mozzarella cheese on the top, I shove it into the oven to bake. My eyes catch Alex who leans against the wall while folding his arms around his chest, his eyes check me out from head to toe, then his brown eyes stare into mine and a small smirk tugs on his pink flush lips.

He's a creep, I swear he's a creep and I have no idea why Jungkook still kept him here. The way he looks at me and the way he never raises his eyes when Jungkook is around me. Jungkook wouldn’t believe me that Alex doesn’t look at me in a good way, would he?

Why would he believe me though? Alex never stares at me when Jungkook is around me, he's like the most believable butler here and Olivia seems to like Alex a lot, a lot means a lot so, Jungkook surely wouldn’t believe in my words.

Never mind. 

It's not like he talks about something inappropriate when he's around me or he tries to do something absurd, I swear I would have stabbed him in his hand if he tries to do something like that. He only stares. He observes what I do. He observes me with his dead, brown eyes.


They really look dead. There's no grace in them. Like my eyes were dead a long ago, which get its brightness to shine, to light up, to look alive.

What happened to me? Why am I blabbering about Jungkook, always thinking about him? It's not like I was not thinking about him all the past days, however, now it feels different. I was always glaring at him, I was always trying to start a fight with him but everything changed.

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