Chapter 60

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Sorry that it took a lot if time to update. I'll try to update regularly, however, it's not a promise, but I'll try.

Anyways, do votes and comments y'all!


The first thing that I see after waking up is—Olivia.

My soul almost leaves from my body, my heartbeat increases as soon as my eyes land on hers. She's lying right next to me while playing with the ribbon of my frock. Tripping and rolling over the surface, humming a song. I'm not hallucinating, right? 

She's right next to me. 

Her eyes find mine and she gasps softly, her baby blue eyes sparkle as she immediately sits up, “Mamma—” She squeals in excitement as she throws herself to me. My breath hitches as I hold her close to me. She places her head on my chest as she wraps her tiny hands around my frame.

I'm overwhelmed with emotion and I'm really unsure how to narrate this or how I should react. “Mamma, you woke up.” She mumbles on my chest and I let out a shaky breath, my eyes become blurry and some tears stream down to my temple automatically. “I was waiting for you to wake up.” She adds and pops her head from my chest. “I missed you.” Her lips become pouty and I pull her close to me. “I missed you too, my child,” I whisper as I kiss her hair. Clutching her close as much as I can. “Are you still mad at papa? Papa said you were gone on a long vacation because you were mad at him. You’re not mad at him anymore, right?” She asks and I squeeze her more.

“Please don't go anywhere without me and Papa. We both will be sad.” She says and a sob leaves from my mouth. How selfish I was to leave this angel behind. I'm unsure how many times have passed since I'm clutching my daughter close while nuzzling her baby scent, feeling this emotion, how does it feel to be an ungrateful mother who left her kid behind for revenge? 

I can understand why most women choose to stay with their toxic partners even though they have been tortured or cheated on, it's because of the child. They don't want their kids to have a traumatized future. You can't understand how it feels to be a mother until you’re the one. I'm well aware of the fact that Olivia is not my own child. His father and I are not even married yet she calls me mother and treats me like one and I'm honored. I don't know if I did something amazing in the past to get a daughter like this.

“Oli—” The deep voice speaks up, making my whole body shiver while I clutch Olivia closer than before. Olivia pops her head from my chest as she looks at her father but I don't dare to stare at the male. Oh my God, what have I done? I had sex with my sister's fiance and I don't know how to feel about that while I was claiming Olivia as my daughter.  

Olivia gets up from my chest as she flies into her father's arms while I lie down there thinking whether I should turn around or not. 

“Oli, you’ll straight go with Uncle Felix and I’ll reward you later, okay?” Jungkook asks and I put my hand under my head, laying on my side while trying to calm my heartbeat down. It’s getting harder and tougher than before when he’s here and we had sex a while ago.

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