Chapter 1

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"Let's end this." Naruto said and looked at the wide eyed raven that had tears in the corner of his eyes.

"W-WHAT?!" Sasuke yelled and stepped closer to the blonde.

"I can't keep hurting you, Sasuke!" Naruto say and feels tears streaming down his face.

"BULLSHIT!" Sasuke spits and takes a grip of the blonde's both arms.

"Naruto, please! You are everything to me! You are not hurting me! Please I can't live without you!!" The raven argued and tried to make eye contact with the blonde.

Naruto looks into Sasuke's dark eyes.

"I...I'm sorry..."
And that was it.
Naruto walked out of the house and never came back.

Sasuke could just cry, Why would Naruto leave him?
Didn't he love him?
Naruto was always telling Sasuke how much he loved him...what was the difference now?

I know it's short but next time it will definitely be longer lmao😂👍🏻

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