Chapter 13

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Hinata POV:

I know how I will get them together again!

I have been searching a lot and I found out that the best way to get someone to propose is by something really romantic, that it is just right.

''Sooo, Naruto, have you considered...I don't know, dating sasuke again?'' I ask slyly.

He blushes and looks away.

''I am not sure yet.'' He says. 

My smile disappears and I throw my fist at his desk, his eyes widen.

''Look, I have had enough of the waiting. You love Sasuke he loves you that is all you need!'' I say.

''Why do you want us to get together so muc-''

''Because you love each other! Normal exes would just be awkward meeting each other after 5 years but for you, you are still lovebirds and you are wearing the ring he proposed to you with! What other things do I need to say?'' 

He burried his face in his hands.

''No...No he probably doesn't want to!'' Naruto says.

I shake my head.

''Would Sasuke really stick around this long if he didn't want you back? Would he even be flirty with you?'' I ask.

Naruto nods, showing he understand.

''I think you have had enough with your thinking. Now, GO GET YOUR MAN!'' I say and give him a thumbs up.

He chuckles.

''Anyway, I need to go.'' I say and stand up.

Naruto nods.

''Go talk to him. Tell him you love him.'' I say.

Naruto smiles.

''I will think --- I will do it.'' He says.

I smile at him before walking out of the room and closing the door behind me.

''I think everything will go fine.'' I say to myself as I walk out of the big building.


Sasuke POV:

These paperworks are just annoying.

There is never an end!

I write a few stuff on my computer before sitting back in my chair, sighing.

*Knock knock knock*

''Come on in..'' I say in a tired voice as I stare  up at the ceiling.

I hear a familiar chuckle.

''You look beat, Sasu-chan.''

I look forward to see Naruto walking into the room and closing the door in the process.

''Oh, hey. Yeah the work just won't stop.'' I say.

''What did you come here for, exactly?'' I ask.

He blushes and fiddles with his fingers a bit.

That's a sign that he is nervous.

''What is bothering you?'' I ask.

''W-Well...I just wanted to give you something...'' He says.

I raise an eyebrow.

''What exactly?'' I ask.

He walks closer.

''C-Can you please c-close your...eyes..?'' He asks.

I sigh and close my eyes.

Then I hear footsteps coming closer and closer before it stops and I feel a hot breath against my pale skin which sends me shivers down my spine.

Then I feel some familiar lips onto mine.

Good ones, soft and lovely, that I have been missing so much.

Then the lips were gone.

I open my eyes and see Naruto blushing a deep crimson color and was about to leave when I grabbed his wrist.

''Wait!'' I say.

''Don't leave me again, please..'' I say and bring him closer.

Naruto's blue eyes went from my eyes to my lips and then back to my eyes.

I smile and then clash our lips together again.

I feel Naruto smile against the kiss as our lips move in sync.

When we broke apart, I pulled Naruto in a hug.

He hugged back.

''I love you, Sasuke...'' 

Those 3 words I have missed so much....finally I hear them again..

I feel the tears go it's way to my eyes as I bury my face in my blonde's shoulder.

''I love you too, dobe...''

Naruto POV:

Sasuke may probably know this but the tears are streaming down my face right now, making his clothes all damp.

''Can I go back to you?'' I ask.

Sasuke chuckles and cups my face and uses his thumbs to wipe away the tears streaming down my face.

''Still the same crybaby, huh?'' Sasuke asks with a chuckle. I chuckle as well.

He kisses me once again and connect our foreheads together.

''Of course you can, dobe.'' He whispers.

Then we hear whispers outside the office.

Me and Sasuke look there to see we have gained a crowd of cheering and clapping people.

I smile at Sakura who seemed to be happier than ever.

I look to Sasuke and make him look at me.

''Don't care about them.'' I say and kiss him.

He smiles against the kiss and I do too and we could hear the cheering and clapping just got louder.

Then I could Hinata's voice.

''What is everyone clapping abou-''

I didn't break apart from the kiss to give her a 'guess, you were right.' 

She even joined the other people clapping and cheering.

I could hear her go 'that's my bestfriend over there!!'

But the longer I stayed in the soft kiss with Sasuke, all the cheering and loud people disappeard.

It was just us in the world and it was a peaceful surrounding.

It might be cheesy but I love the thought of it..

When we broke apart, he landed soft kisses on my neck which made me giggle.

''I missed you so much..'' I say.

''I missed you too, dobe.''

End of part 13...

The next one will unfortunetly be the last chapter of 'Do you believe in fate?'

See you in the next one :)

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