Chapter 7

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Naruto POV:

I went home with butterflies in my stomach.

I'm glad I met Sasuke again.

When I came home to my small apartment, I took off my shoes and jacket and went inside. 

I yawned as I looked at the time, it was 2:33. Wow we were up real late, huh?

I went to the kitchen and took out some instant ramen and warmed it up.

When that was done, I sat down, took some chopsticks and ate.

"Yummy!" I say and continues to eat.

Then I heard a knock.

"hm? Who could that be at this hour?" I asked myself as I swallowed the ramen in my mouth and went to check the door.

It was Hinata. What does she want?

I open the door and are met with a hug.

"H-Hinata?! Why are you here at this hour?!" I asked. 

"I was just worried! I knocked on your door 3 hours ago and you didn't reply." She says after she broke the hug.

"Okay okay, I just kept Sasuke company at work. He had to work in late." I explain. She sigh.

"Gosh, I was near to call the police when you didn't even answer my calls or texts or THE DOOR!" She said with a bit of frustration in her voice.

"Im sorry, my phone has been on mute." I say.

"But wait, you said Sasuke is back?!" Hinata asked with wide lavender eyes.

"Y-yeah." I say with a nervous smile.

"Let's take this inside!" Hinata says and walks past me into my apartment.

"O-okay?" I say and close the door.

She takes off her jacket and shoes and walks over to the table and sits down.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you were eating." She says with guilt. I laugh.

"No it's alright!" I say and walk over to my chair and start eating my ramen again.

"But, Uchiha Sasuke? Your ex is back?" Hinata asks again. I swallow and look at her.

"Yeah. The Sasuke Uchiha I was deeply in love with and together with for 6 years is back." I say and eat more ramen.

"Wow, how do you feel about it?" Hinata sighs and asks. I think for a moment.

"I...I do like the idea of him coming back to me." I say and eats more ramen to stop myself from getting emotional.

"But I don't think he will." I finish. Hinata sits back in her chair and sighs.

"Wait, do you still like him?" she asks.

"Yeah, I didn't really stop loving him like that..." I say and look down to my legs.

"but didn't you break up with him?" she asks, confused.

 I understand the confusion.

"I did but I said I didn't want to hurt him anymore." I say. 

The dark haired girl clicked her tongue and leaned forward.

"You should know yourself you never hurt him, you made his life better. First he was this emo and yeah you know the rest." She says. 

I smile.

"Yeah, I do regret breaking up with him." I confess and she smiles at me.

"I'm 100% sure he still loves you so just take this opportunity that he is back to solve everything!" Hinata says.

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