Chapter 6

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Sasuke POV:

I walked home with a smile on my face.

I loved our talks. We were exactly like we were when we were young, laughing, talking.

I am glad I met Naruto.

I walked into my house that was so lonely. I have been living in the same house that me and Naruto lived in.

 I couldn't get myself to go anywhere else. 

I felt safe here. 

Though, I have no one running to me, hugging me and kissing me. 

I am all alone here.


(They were about 17)

"I'm home!" I say and take off my shoes.

I see Naruto looking from the kitchen at me and smiles widely.

"Sasukeeeee!!!" he yells and runs up to me and kisses me all over my face.

"I missed youuuuuuu!!!" he says and hugs me.

 I hug back and chuckles.

"I missed you to" I say and kiss him on the neck.

 He giggles when I kissed the ticklish neck of his.

"Anyway, I was making dinner for you." He says and lets go of me and walks back to the kitchen.

"You would make a good wife" I say as I lean against the wall of the kitchen and smirk at Naruto's blushing face.

"W-Wife?!" he says.

"Yeah, but only my wife though" I say and hug him from behind.

"Alright, alright, I won't even leave you, ever!" he says and makes me move away from him, were he was focusing on making me my food.

"Promise?" I ask.

He looks at me with a glare, that meant 'you serious with me?'.

"I promise now let me take care of you" he laughs and points to the chair for me to sit.

Before I went to the chair I leaned forward and whispered in his ear.

"Love you, wifey" I whisper and then walk to the table and sit down on the chair.

Naruto looks at me with a hint of red on his cheeks and smile.

"I love you too."


I walk into the empty kitchen.

I miss having him here...

I start getting out ingredients to cook dinner.

I made tomato soup because I didn't have much. 

I could choose between tomato soup or ramen. 

Yes, ramen ingredients are still here. 

I ate it alot after me and Naruto broke up, reason is that I wanted to have a little bit of him left in this empty house.

When I was done making the tomato soup, I put it in a bowl and took a spoon. 

I sat down on a chair and started eating.

"Sasuke? Hello?" I heard a familiar voice say. I look up to see Naruto sitting in front of me.

"How is your food? Is it good?" he asks.

I shake my head, it's not real.

Then I look again and, as expected, he is not there. I sigh.

It has been going on like that for years.

I might be going crazy.

When I was done eating, I put the bowl and spoon in the dishwasher.

I go to my bedroom and lies down on the bed. 

I just stare at the ceiling.

 I have a very boring life, really.

I just wish my sunshine would come back......


So, what did you think about the Sasuke POV?

It was kind of hard writing this chapter because I didn't know what I was supposed to write or what I was writing. And I began thinking this story is just going to turn out to be bad but I still have hope for this story that I won't leave it without an ending!

That is a promise I am going to keep!

And sorry it was kind of short lol.

I am going to try updating as much as I can! :D

Have a good day/night, now!

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