Chapter 12

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Naruto POV:

I went out of Sasuke's room to wait for him to get dressed.

As I waited I looked at the ring again that was in the box in my hand.

I took the ring out and tried it on my finger.

''Oh my gosh...'' I whisper and my blue eyes widen.

It fits...perfectly.

I decide to keep it on and put the empty little box in my pocket.

Then Sasuke walks out of his room.

''You ready?'' He asks.

I can't help but stare at him. 

Up and down.

I blush.

''Y..Yeah, sure.'' I say and turn around to walk to the door.

We walk downstairs and put on our shoes and take our bags.

I walk out of the door first and then Sasuke as he locks the door.

He turns to me then stops and stares at my hand.

''You...decided to wear the ring?'' Sasuke ask and a faint blush is visible on his pale skin.

I blush of embarrassment as I look at my hand.

''O-Oh y-yeah..'' I stutter.

Sasuke then smiles.

''It fits you, still.'' He says and takes my hand to take a look.

I blush even harder at the touch.

''Y...Yeah, I was k-kinda s-suprised...'' I say as he keeps looking at it like it was something that was completely new to humanity.

He eventually lets go of my hand and starts walking.

''Come one, we should get going.'' He says.

I nod and walk with him to our work place.

We both walk in and walked seperate ways to our offices.

On my way to my office, I look at my hand with the blue diamond on my finger and smile.

I walked into my office and over to my desk to start working.

Then I hear a door knock.

''Yes, come in!'' I say without looking away from the papers.

The door opens and I look up to see a girl with dark blue hair and lavender eyes.

''Hinata? What are you doing here? You don't work here...?''

I question as she closes the door and walks over to the chair in front of my desk and sits down.

''I'm sorry, Naruto. But I had to see you!'' Hinata say and smile at me. I smile too.

Her lavender eyes drift off to my hand and she gasps.

''That ring......that is your proposal ring?!'' She asked and her lavender eyes were very wide.

I look at my hand for a second and then laugh nervously.

She gasps again.

''D-Did he...did Sasuke propose again!?'' She asks and smiles a bit of hope.

My blue eyes shot wide open and I blush.

''N-N-No no no! That's not it at all!'' I say and make gestures with my hands.

Hinata pouts and sits back in her chair.

''Why is Uchiha so slow nowadays? Years ago he would chase after you.''

Hinata says and crosses her arms.

I had nothing to say to that.

I look back to the ring and smile.

"Anyway, why did you have to see me?" I ask and rest my chin in my palm.

Hinata looks at me and smiles a bit.

"I just wanted to see how it is going with Sasuke and you." She simply replies.

I nod.

"Is that all?" I ask.

Hinata raises an eyebrow.

"Do you want me to go that badly?"

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