Chapter 3

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Sasuke POV:

I met Naruto.

I hope he regrets ever leaving me.

Soon he will be mine again.
I hope.

I walk to my office and sat down

"Good morning, Sasuke-kun!"
a pink haired girl came to me and blushed.

"Hn, good morning"
I say in an unmotivated tone.

"Good luck with your work today!"
she says and walks away.

I see Naruto walking into his office and smirk.

He will be mine soon.

Just wait and see.

Naruto POV:

10 hours of work left...

I can't stop thinking of Sasuke Sasuke Sasuke!

And he is also working at the same work as I am!

I think back when we were dating in high school.
We were a popular couple.

We were the happiest couple someone could see on the streets.

(They are 15 years old and has been dating for one year.)

"Naru, wanna go on a date?"

Sasuke asked me and I smiled.

"What is with the sudden asking out thing?" I ask and laugh.

"Can't I ask my boyfriend on a date? Also  I bought us two Ichiraku tickets because I knew you would be happy" Sasuke says and shows me the free ramen tickets.

I starts jumping up and down and hugs Sasuke.

"Thank you!!!!! I love you so much!!!" I say and kiss Sasuke on the lips.

I pull away and he kisses me on the cheek.

"I love you too, dobe" he says and takes my hand and starts walking.

"Don't call me dobe! But then we can go on a date now?"
I ask, blushing at Sasuke's smirk.

"Yeah we will go on the date now, dobe" he says and chuckles.
I smile widely and kiss him again on the cheek.

"Love youuuuuu~" I say and leans on his arm as we walk.

"Love you more." He says and kisses the top of my head.

(When they got to the ramen shop)

"Hey, old man!" I say and sit down with Sasuke.

"Hello, Naruto! The usual?" ramen guy says and smiles at me.

"Yup! And Sasuke will just take the same as me thank you!"
I say and put down the free ramen tickets on the counter.

"It will be right up" he says and takes the tickets and walks to the back.

I catch Sasuke staring at me and I blush.

"W-What, teme?" I say.

"You're cute" he says and makes me look like a tomato.

"S-Stop!" I say as I hide my face behind my hands.

Then I feel a hot breath against my hands.
I peek and see Sasuke.
He takes my hands away and kisses me lightly.

I melt into the kiss and feel him add tongue.  I lightly accept and put my arms around his neck.

Then we hear foot steps and pull away before ramen guys come with the ramen.

"Here you go, lovebirds"
the ramen guy says and laughs and walks away to leave us alone.

We spend all afternoon laughing and talking.
Sasuke was the only one I really could talk to.

I am so lucky to have him.
I am so lucky he loves me.

After we were done eating,
we went to Sasuke's place.

We were now just lying in Sasuke's bed, just chilling until Sasuke broke the silence.

"Naru, why do you make me weak?" He says. I look up to him and smile.

"You make me weaker but stronger at the same time" I say and cuddle into his chest.
He chuckles and kisses me.
Then we fell asleep, or at least I did. 

I love Sasuke so much...


I felt a tear go down my cheek as I looked back at the memory.

I didn't even realise I was crying.
I wiped away the tears and went back to working.

I looked up at the clock, 8 hours?
I was in my own world for 2 hours?

I gotta work now!

There! How was the flashback btw??? Did I do good?

To be continued....

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