Chapter 10

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Naruto POV:

Sasuke spent the rest of the day at my apartment. 

We didn't do anything special.

 We just talked, I had found some photo albums of both of us in it and we looked at every picture, laughing, talking, crying even.

After a couple of hours, Sasuke had to go home because it was late.

We were in the hall and I was watching him putting on his shoes and jacket. 

Then he stood up straight and took his bag.

''Thank you for staying with me. I have not had this fun in ages!'' 

I say and smile at him.

He smiles back at me.

''No need to thank me, dobe.''

He opens the door and waves at me before closing the door.

I look at my hand and clench it into a fist.

I put on my shoes and go outside.

I see Sasuke down at the street and grin as I close my door and run after him.

He turns around and looks surprised.

''What is it now, dobe?'' He says when I came up to him. 

I was bent over and trying to steady my breath.

''You forgot to shake hands goodbye.'' I say.

He rolls his eyes and takes out his hand for a shake. I gladly accepted.

Then I stepped in closer and kissed him on the cheek.

His black endless eyes were wide, and his cheeks had a hint of crimson.

''Thanks again for today.'' I say and smile at him before turning around and walking back to my apartment.

I felt my face get hotter as I replayed what I did in my mind, over and over again.

I missed his cold skin against my lips. 

It felt like home.

I walked into my apartment.

I take off my shoes and walk inside my bathroom to take my clothes in the washing machine and take a bath.

I turned on the hot water and took all my clothes off so I could step into the bath.

Then I replayed the moment once more and hid my face in the water.

''Sasuke...I miss you.'' I whisper to myself and look up at the ceiling.

When I finished my bath, I took a towel and placed it around my waist.

I walk out of the bathroom and goes over to my closet to take out my stripy pajamas and sleepy hat.

I slump into my bed which was right next to my closet and stare at the ceiling.

''Sasuke...'' I whisper and brush my lips with the tip of my fingers.

I felt a blush creep up to my face.

I took my pillow and hid my red face.

When I finally took the pillow away from my face, I saw a picture on the floor.

I walked toward the photo to grab it.

It was of me and Sasuke when we were dating in high school.

We were having a sleepover at Sasuke's place.

There I was, sleeping beside Sasuke and Sasuke had his camera up, having a tint of red on his face and smiled so warmly and looking at me.

I turn the photo around and see he wrote me something after he took the photo.

''What a beautiful human. I don't know what I did to deserve you but I know that I love you more than I can explain. I can never understand this feeling, I have never felt like this before, but I do know that I love you more than anything else in the entire universe. I won't let you leave me, ever!

If you someday read this, Naruto, know that you are the best that ever happened to me. I love you. I love you, I love your smile, those beautiful ocean blue eyes of yours, those messy golden locks I love to play with when you're sleeping. I love you more than I can explain. This will take up all the photo. I love you.

/Sasuke Uchiha

I broke into a huge smile, and I felt tears come its way to my eyes as I read it.

I hung the photo up on the wall beside my bed.

I layed down in my bed and looked at the photo.

''Good night, Sasuke...'' I whisper before dozing off.


Okay okay okay okay, please don't tell me how cheesy I might be right now for writing these things but I just felt like it was time for somehing like these things :)

I had sooo much fun writing this! My brain was like 'YAS FINALLY!'



don't ask please.

Thank you for reading and I'll see you in the next one! :D

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