Chapter 5

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"want me to keep you company?" I ask with a little low voice.

He looked surprised.

"don't you have...I don't know...ramen to cook?" Sasuke ask with a nervous laugh.

I thought about it.
I was indeed hungry but...I didn't want Sasuke to be all alone.

"It's okay, I can keep you company and help you!" I say and he blushes a bit.
I blush a little in return.

"Alright, I know you won't give up until I say 'yes' anyways" he says and laughs.
I laugh too.

I followed Sasuke to his office and put down my bag on the floor and sat down on a chair looking at him working.

"So....." I start. He looks up at me.

"what has happened recently in your life that made you happy?"
I ask.
He raises an eyebrow.

"I met you after so many years" he says.

I blush.

"Other than that, then?" I say.
He sighs and sits back in his chair.

"I guess nothing has been good before I met you again."
He says.

"What about you then? Other than meeting me again, what has happened that made you happy?"
he asks me.

I have literally been the depressed Naruto for 5 years.
Not much has made me happy.

"Uhhhhh, I got a one-year worth ramen ticket for free." I say.

"Why?" Sasuke asks.

"Well, when I came to Ichiraku after we...broke up , the ramen guy gave me that because he thought I would be more happy. Of course I got on better thoughts with that but..." I stop and take a deep breath.

"I couldn't move on from you."
I confessed, tried not to sound emotional.

"Same here." Sasuke says.

"really?" I ask.

"Yeah. I just couldn't do anything because my mind would always tell me that I was yours and I just ended up crying in front of people"
Sasuke explains and makes my eyes widen a bit.

"A crying Uchiha?" I ask jokingly.

He laughs.

"Yeah, an Uchiha can cry."
He says sarcastically and starts writing on his paperwork.

"I know that, I have seen you cry before" I say.
He looks at me and nods before getting back to his work.

"On my brother's funeral." He says with a dark and sad voice.

I remember that day.

It was just 2 weeks after we started dating that Itachi Uchiha was involved in a horrible car crash.
It was horrible.


I hold Sasuke as we watch them come out with Itachi's coffin.

Sasuke has been crying nonstop.

I get it.

Itachi was the only family Sasuke had left after his parents were murdered.

"Shhh, Sasuke, it's going to be alright."

I try to comfort him.
He just cries more and keeps getting a tight grip of my black shirt.

"It's my fault. I shouldn't have let him go out of town"
Sasuke says behind cries.

"Shhhh, it isn't your fault."
I say and stroke his back.

"It is my fault" he says and hides his face in my shirt.

"Sasuke, you shouldn't blame yourself.  I know that Itachi wouldn't want you to do that."
I say as I make him look at me and I wipe away the tears.

"You're right. Thank you for coming, Naruto. This wouldn't have been so easy without you" he says and hugs me again.

"Of course I came. I want to be by your side"
I say and stroke his hair.

He looks at me and I kiss him gently.
Then I pull away and takes his hand to go after the long lead.

"come one, we should go after them" I say.

"Yeah." Sasuke says and look up to the sky.

Then we heard the priest start talking.

"Uchiha Itachi, has left us.
We take goodbye to a good friend, brother, lover, a good human being." The priest said.

He looked at Sasuke to make his speech to Itachi.
He had practiced for it for days.

"Dear brother, I never thought you would leave this soon.
You were the first one I told about a problem and you would help me.
You are a very supportive, kind and best brother I could ever ask for."
Sasuke says and holds onto my hand still, looking down at the coffin.

"You lived your life to the fullest and were always making those dumb jokes of yours which, to be honest, weren't all that bad."
Sasuke say and had a breaking voice at the last.

"You are in a better place now. You used to tell me: 'be strong'. I will try, brother, I will try, for you." He says the last and goes back to hug me.
I hug back.

"Goodbye Itachi" the priest said and then, rain came.

Sasuke looked up and smiled at the sky.

"I know he is alright." He says and hides his face in my chest again.

I look up as well.

"Yeah, he is alright and are going to look after you until you meet again." I say.

He looks at me. I look at him.

"I love you. Thank you for being here for me" he says.
I smile a little.

"I love you too, of course I am gonna stay by your side always." I say.
Man, this made me sad😔

I look back at the memory.

"I still miss him today."
Sasuke says and looks down at the papers, a tear leaving his eye.

"I know you do." I say and he looks up at me and smiles.

"I'm still glad that you came with me that day. I don't think I would have survived if you weren't there." Sasuke says and wipe away the tear.
I smile back.

"Of course, you don't even need to thank me for it." I say.

Hours later, Sasuke was done with his work.

We had talked alot, joked around and stuff like that.

"Well, I guess see you tomorrow?" I say.

Sasuke smiles at me and hugs me.
I was surprised but hugged him back.

"I missed you" Sasuke say and bury his face into my shoulder.
I smile.

"I missed you too"
__________________________________There! Another chapter!😃

This one was a but longer which I am glad it is haha.

See ya in the next one!✌🏻🙂

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