~Special Part~

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No one's POV:

After the wedding party, Sasuke and Naruto sat down in the grass and looked up at the moonlight and the sky full of stars.

''I can't believe after so many years, we are finally one.'' Naruto says and rests his head on Sasuke's shoulder.

Sasuke rests his head on Naruto's head and they stay like that.

''Naruto, there is a question I have for you.'' Sasuke says.

''Hm? What is it?'' Naruto asks.

''Do you believe in fate?'' 

Naruto nods.

''I do. What about it?'' Naruto asks.

''It was because of you I really thought fate was a real thing that God creates and...right when I saw you, I started believing that God created us to fit perfect together.'' Sasuke explains.

Naruto's blue orbs widened slightly, then softened.

''I believe that too.'' Naruto says.

''So I think that, as long as you believe in it, your fateful partner will appear in your life.'' Sasuke says.

Naruto nods.

''I believe in fate. Our fate.''

The end

'Do you believe in fate' is now completed.

I want to thank the people that has been reading since the start and new readers, thank you for reading this story.

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