Chapter 9

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''Want me to walk you home?'' I ask.

He looks at me, surprised but then a smile comes to his rosy lips.

''Sure!'' He says and takes my hand and walks a path I somehow I find familiar.

Then I could see an apartment. 

Naruto lead me up the stairs and then went up to a door and took out his keys.

''Home sweet home'' He says and unlocks the door and opens it.

''Do you want to come in?''
He asks and I nod slightly.

He walks in and I walk in after him.

Closing the door behind me.

It was really really small.

There was a kitchen and then a living room mixed with a bedroom and one simple bathroom.

''It's so tiny.'' I say and look around.

He laughs awkwardly and scratches the back of his neck.

''This was the only hope I had after we broke up.''
He says and picks up a pile of clothes and moves it into his closet and picks up some empty ramen cups lying everywhere.

''You haven't changed either, huh?'' I say and help him clean up.

''What do you mean?'' He asks and continues picking trash up.

''You can make it look like a family of pigs been here in just 4 seconds, jeez.'' I say and he chuckles.

I laugh a little as well.

''Oh, you don't need to help me. I've got it.'' He says.

I glare at him.

''O-Or yo-you could help...'' He says and I smile.

Then he stood up, his arms filled with empty ramen cups.

He tried walking to the trashcan but failed and tripped.

''Uwaaa!!'' He yelled and all the ramen cups fell out of his arms as he fell to the floor on top of me.

''Naruto, you usuratonkachi!'' I say as I laugh. He laughs too.

Then there is a silence between us.

I am staring into those ocean blue eyes of his.

It was mostly what caught my attention in elemantary school, when we met.

The blue eyes with the most beautiful blue and the most handsome whiskers on each cheek and the beautiful golden messy hair.

We stay like that for a while, staring at each other.

I knew that we had to get out of this 'awkward' state but I was in no state to care to even move a muscle.

Naruto was the most handsome, kind and amazing person I have ever met. 

He was the one who actually fell for the real  me instead of just my looks.

Then there is a door knock and Naruto quickly gets off me, red as a tomato, and walks to the door.

I continue cleaning as Naruto gets the door.

''Oh, Hinata! Why are you here?'' I hear Naruto say.

Hinata? I haven't seen her since high school.

''I was just wondering if I could talk to you about something?'' Hinata asks. 

I hear Naruto laugh nervously.

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