★Thus spake the nightspirit★

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I woke up and started checking the time. I wiped the sleep out of my eyes as I whispered it under my breath.
"8:30..." I just wanted to go back to bed, the information not fully processing in my mind, but then it hit me. I bolted upright in bed and peeled myself off my bed. I showered quickly. I pulled on a mercyful fate shirt

 I pulled on a mercyful fate shirt

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with some black leather pants.

with some black leather pants

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I put on my bullet belt

and all of my spiked cuffs and collars

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and all of my spiked cuffs and collars. I tied the laces of my longest combat boots tightly over the skin tight pants I was wearing.

 I tied the laces of my longest combat boots tightly over the skin tight pants I was wearing

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I ran over to my bathroom, tossing, teasing, and making my black hair look messy. I then moved on to my corpse paint.

Once that was done I grabbed all my corpse paint supplies and put them in the bag I would usually use if i was staying the night somewhere

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Once that was done I grabbed all my corpse paint supplies and put them in the bag I would usually use if i was staying the night somewhere.

Once that was done I grabbed all my corpse paint supplies and put them in the bag I would usually use if i was staying the night somewhere

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I then went to the living room grabbing Faust's birthday present off the sofa

I then went to the living room grabbing Faust's birthday present off the sofa

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Folding it and putting it safely in the bag with the corpse paint supplies. I also grabbed the bottle of strong alchohol i got for him and planted it in the bag. I made some toast and coffee, by the time i was done doing everything i needed to do including have breakfast, it was a little bit past 09:00 so I threw my bag to the backseat of my car and drove off to Helvete. I parked and headed inside.
"Nice corpse paint." Euronymous said as I came inside. It seemed like he was the only one who noticed I came in so when he said that everyone whirled around to look at me.
"Thanks." I said as I passed him and went behind the til.
I felt eyes on me.
I looked beside me and Varg was looking at me, I didn't like him but that's not who i could feel. Then I looked behind me, Hellhammer was checking me out which he stopped when he noticed I glanced that way. Nope it wasn't him either, plus my ass *did* look great in these pants. I then turned my head forward, giving up on finding whose gaze I could feel, when I saw him. Faust was standing up ahead rearanging some of the records with Euronymous. His gaze pierced right through my fucking body. He looked at me like he was a hunter and I was his prey, he looked at me like he wanted to protect me from everyone else and claim me as his, but at the same time he looked like he was imagining the dirtiest things he could do to me.

 He looked at me like he was a hunter and I was his prey, he looked at me like he wanted to protect me from everyone else and claim me as his, but at the same time he looked like he was imagining the dirtiest things he could do to me

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I could feel myself blushing but I couldn't look away from him. Euronymous followed Faust's eye line and made eye contact with me. He gave me a grin that said "I told you so." In every way. I rolled my eyes and busyed myself with useless chores for a couple hours. A dude walked in and grabbed a Metallica record that he wanted to buy and listen to. While I was ringing him up he felt the need to talk to me.
"Nice makeup." he said with a chuckle.
"It's corpse paint." I said flatly.
"Oh is that like a goth thing or?" He asked.
"No." I responded hoping he'd get the hint.
"Oh wait a minute isn't it a like a death metal thing or something like that. Like those songs all about satan  and witchcraft and shit?" He said continuing this atrocious conversation.
"Black metal." Trying to correct him but also not wanting to engage. I put the record on for him and he started to bob his head to the beat.
"Do you like 'tallica?" He said douchely.
"Not really." I said plainly.
"But what about-" He started but I cut him off.
"Dude why don't you talk to litterally anyone else, I'm not the only person who works here plus I'm kinda busy." I said growing irratated, the last part was a lie but I thought it might motivate him to leave me alone. He put his elbows on the counter infront of him, leaning in closer.
"Yeah but you're the only sexy one." He said winking at me.
I threw myself backwards and away from the counter. Feeling grossed out I lit a cigarette. Normally we didn't smoke inside incase it detoured customers  but, every now and then we did, and I don't think Euronymous would mind in this particular scenario.
"Oh you really shouldn't smoke, its's really unattractive when females smoke." He said. I squinted at him trying to decipher if that was a joke, or if he thinks I really care about what he finds attractive.
"Please just fuck off." I said now getting angry.
"Aw don't be like that, god girls do not know how to take a joke am I right?" He said to Necrobutcher who ignored him.
"She said fuck off." Faust said from behind him. The man turned around to face Faust.
"Wow you're a big one, listen I was just joking around with her, it's nothing serious." He tried to explain, but Faust was having none of it. Faust looked at me, and I gave him a small nod, then in one, swift movement Faust grabbed his record, gave it to him and pushed him out the door. We heard the dude swear at us from outside a few times before he left. Faust came up to me, putting his hands on my arms and looked at me.
Faust made eye contact with Necrobutcher and nodded over to the til. Jørn got up and took over there for me, while Faust walked me over to his bed, chill area that was a bit more private than the middle of the shop. I sat down on the firm matress and took a couple few deep breaths and a couple drags of my cigarette. Faust put his hand on the small of my back supporting my weight slightly. Faust checked the time it was already 05:00 PM so we decided to leave early and get the party stuff ready now so we didn't have to do it later.

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