†Night of the graveless souls†

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I drove behind Faust following his car with my own until we got to his house. It was a small flat with dark floors and darker artwork on the white walls. I grabbed my bag out my car and brought it inside. I could see Faust eyeing it curiously. I unzipped it grabbing the shirt and the booze.
"Happy birthday!" I exclaimed as I handed him the gifts. He looked at the presents with an amused grin. Suddenly Faust took his shirt off and I tried not to stare at his gorgeous body and his happy trail as he unfolded the Celtic frost  shirt I got for him before pulling it on.
"Thank you Ada." He said as he slung his arms around me, hugging me tightly. I hugged him back never wanting to leave this position, but then Faust let go of me. He sat down on his grey couch and motioned for me to do the same. Faust lay back as he got ready for me to do his corpse paint. I suddenly got on top of him, so that I could have full access to his face, though stradiling him did earn a blush from Faust.
I took out all the little pots of facepaint and put them beside us. I started the white base, pushing Faust's hair out of his face. Then lining his lips with sleek black lines of paint. He kinda jerked forward a little bit when I was working on his lips, like he wanted to kiss me but then stopped himself, it was a subtle movement so i tried to convince myself it was just my imagination.

Once I finished his corpse paint he got all the alchohol out his cupboards and put it with the booze I bought him on the counter

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Once I finished his corpse paint he got all the alchohol out his cupboards and put it with the booze I bought him on the counter. He clearly prepared for the party cause my god there was *alot* of alchohol. Beer, whisky, vodka, tequila, rum, cider and more. We hung out for a bit until there was a knock on the door. Faust went to go open, and I followed eagerly behind him. Euronymous, Necrobutcher, Hellhamer, Ihsahn, Ann-Marit and a bunch of her friends all arrived at the same time. More and more people came in, coats strewn about, cars parking percariously in the driveway, and with more people came more alchohol.

 More and more people came in, coats strewn about, cars parking percariously in the driveway, and with more people came more alchohol

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I was standing with Euronymous talking when I felt kinda nauseas. I staggered off to find the bathroom, the loud metal music thrumming in my ears. I knocked on the door that I thought led to the bathroom, and when there was no reply I opened the door.
It wasn't the bathroom.
It was Faust's room.
I knew this because in the middle of the room, on the bed, was Faust getting a blowjob from a brunette girl. We made eye contact and in my drunken haze I tried to understand what was going on. I blurted out a slurred apology as I closed the door and ran off. I didn't bother trying to find the bathroom again, instead I walked outside to the pateo. I lit a smoke feeling weird about the situation when Euronymous and Ann sat down next to me. I handed Euronymous a cigarette in silence.
"What's wrong with you?" He asked scanning my face.
"I walked in on Faust getting sucked off." I said not worrying about how my words came out.
"Shit." Øystein said simply. I nodded feeling tears prick my eyes but wiping them away quicker than they came it was just the alchohol heightening my emotions, but it was still annoying.
"Oh yeah that's my friend Maja, I told her to give him either a blowjob or a handjob as a birthday present." Ann laughed.
"You what?"I asked, not knowing if I heard correctly.
"Yeah I didn't think she'd actually have the guts to do it, since Faust is kinda scary, but I mean he did provide alot of alchohol." She said. Euronymous took her hand and walked a little bit away with her, saying something I couldn't quite hear frantically. I sat there feeling like I was gonna throw up, alone until I heard footsteps behind me. I assumed it was Euronymous coming back, but as soon as he sat down I knew it wasn't Euronymous.

 I assumed it was Euronymous coming back, but as soon as he sat down I knew it wasn't Euronymous

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"Hey." Faust said softly.
"Hey." I replied not even knowing what to say.
"Sorry 'bout earlier, I thought it was the bathroom." I said softly taking a shaky drag of my cigarette.
"No I'm sorry." He said suddenly.
"What? Why? You're allowed to have a blowjob in peace, I'm the one who...interupted." I said louder.
Faust let out a small laugh at the abruptness of my statement then he opened his mouth like he was about to say something then closed it. He looked at me not saying anything.

Then I did the unthinkable, before I could stop myself I drunkenly grabbed Faust's face and kissed him

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Then I did the unthinkable, before I could stop myself I drunkenly grabbed Faust's face and kissed him. He made a muffled surprised noise, his hands hovering over my shoulders before he firmly planted them on me and pushed me away.
"You're drunk Ada." He said a slight smile on his lips.
"I just...I want-" I began, but was cut off by projectile vomiting into the garden. Faust's relaxed demeanor changed as he held my hair back. I heard Euronymous groan as he most likely watched that whole interaction.
After my retching ceased Faust helped me up and led me to the kitchen. As he got me a glass of water I saw the brown haired girl that gave Faust his 'birthday present' flirting with Necrobutcher. Faust made me drink the whole glass of water even though I was feeling alot better after I threw up. I noticed Faust's corpse paint was slightly smudged near his mouth and I cringed at my sloppy advance and his rejection. Faust saw the twisted expresion on my face as I thought about that.
"You ok?" He asked putting a hand on my arm.
"I need another cigarette." I said flatly as I moved out of his grasp and outside.
The air was cool around me and I closed my eyes trying to not cry from utter embarrassment.
"Do you have a lighter I could use?" I suddenly heard some one ask me. I looked over to see the brunette girl.
"Hey you're the girl who walked in on me a Faust right?!" She said rememberance flashing across her face. I nodded as I handed her my lighter and we lit our cigarettes.
"I'm Maja what's your name?" She said.
"I'm Draug nice to meet you." I said deciding to use my nickname.
"Sorry about...walking in on you guys." I said awkwardly.
"Oh don't worry, it wasn't exactly a special experience he moaned another girls name and finished within like 2 minutes." She said with a small laugh.
"Wait what? Whose name did he moan?" I asked a smile playing on my lips.
"He said it under his breath like really softly so I couldn't tell exactly but it sounds something like Åna or Ada." She said playing with the words to see which sounded more like it.
The color drained out of my face and my jaw dropped.
"Do you know someone by either of those names?" She asked with a smile at my reaction.
"Yeah I do." I replied looking inside at Faust talking with Euronymous.

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