★My empire's doom★

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★Faust's pov★

I rolled my eyes as I saw Raven get up and leave with Draug. I continued telling a horrific story from a metal event I went to with Draug a while ago to Isahn and Fenriz. Once I was done with the story I grabbed a cigarette and chatted a bit with Ann and Euronymous, but in my head I was preoccupied. I had a bad feeling about Draug and Raven going to the bottlestore together I wasn't sure quite why. Why was he so insistent on going with her? Why did he want to be alone with her? Why did he insist on driving? These questions ran through my mind as 100 different scenarios ran through my thoughts at lighting fast speed.
"Faust you okay?" Ann asked me. I looked up from my boots.
"Yeah just worried about Draug." I said softly.
"Aww that's sweet." She said and Euronymous rolled his eyes.
"Why are you worried? I mean that Raven guy seems like a dick but he doesn't seem like much of a threat." Euronymous inquired.
"Just have a bad feeling about all this.... Also this has taken too long already the nearest store for booze isn't that far and they've already been gone for what? 20 minutes?" I stated letting the panic fill my voice slightly too much.
"Jesus you really are a fucking mess without her aren't you? Chill the fuck out man" Varg said with a mocking laugh. I death stared him, so agitated I was about ready to smash his face in.
"I'm sure it's nothing Faust, Raven just moved here he probably just doesn't know the roads as well as we do." Euronymous said trying to calm me down. Ten more minutes passed and I was about ready to get into my car and find them, when the shop phone started ringing.
"Who the fuck calls a record store at this time of night?" Euronymous muttered under his breath before picking up the phone.
"You've reached Helevete, what do you need?" He spoke into the receiver harshly.
"Yes." He said his tone concerned now.
I saw all the color drain from his face as his eyes flickered towards me, I knew, deep down I knew something had happened, something with Draug I just didn't know what and the mystery left me nauseous.
"We'll be there as soon as we can." He said calmly.
"Faust pass me a piece of paper quickly." He muttered away from the phone. I forced my body to grab a small sticky note and a pencil from under the counter.
"Could you repeat that quickly?" Euronymous asked and after a seconds pause he scribbled something frantically on the piece of paper.
"Okay yes thank you, goodbye." He said as he clicked the phone back into place.
"What the fuck was that?" I asked feeling confused and worried.
"Draug and Raven were in a car crash-" as those words came out of Euronymous's mouth I felt my world shatter.
"WHAT THE FUCK?! I'M GONNA FUCKING KILL HIM!" I yelled barely able to contain my anger. I moved towards the door, not even knowing where the hospital was, but also not thinking clearly enough to care all I cared about was ripping that cunt of man into tiny little fucking pieces, but Euronymous blocked me from walking any further.
"Faust Draug needs you. They wouldn't tell me anything about her condition they just said that they've taken her to this hospital." Euronymous said as he handed me the piece of paper. Ann peered over my arm scanning the address.
"I know that hospital it's right near my apartment." She remarked.
"Can you take me there?" I asked suddenly.
"Um yeah I can, why do you need me to drive?" She asked caught off guard by the question.
"Because if I get behind the wheel right now I'm either gonna get pulled over by the cops for speeding or get myself into am accident too." I said stiffly.
"Cool I'll make some calls to Draug's family and then meet you guys there." Euronymous said as he picked the phone up again. I threw my keys at Ann and before she or anyone could say anything I was out the door.
Then we were driving, I wanted to yell at her to go faster, to go as fast as my car would fucking let her but I didn't, instead I sat with my arms crossed and my knuckles white from how tight my hands were squeezed. I appreciated that Ann didn't give me any of that bullshit "she's gonna be okay" or "it's all gonna work out in the end" we just sat in the oppressive silence and drove. As we got to the hospital I basically jumped out the car while it was still moving and walked as fast as I could to the front desk.
The lady greeted me with a smile but before a word could come out of her mouth I was speaking.
"I'm here for Ada Ødelegge, she came in today, she was in a car accident." I said rapidly. The lady blinked at me a few times before nodding. She typed something on the computer infront of her quickly, scanning the screen with her eyes.
"Are you family?" She asked.
"Yes." I said sternly.
"What relation?" She pressed for more information.
"I'm her boyfriend." I said.
She eyed me slightly.
"No-one else is here and we live together, I'm her family." I said basically begging at this point.
"She's in room 38B, I can get a nurse to take you if you'd li-" she said but I interrupted.
"I got it, thank you." I said as I sped off down the hall. My speed walking was the equivalent of some running since my legs were so long, but it still didn't feel fast enough. I finally found the room I was looking for and saw her, unconscious in a hospital bed.
"Ada! Fuck me, oh my love please be okay." I said as I grabbed her hand, pressing a firm kiss to her head.
I found a seat that I then moved to the side of the bed, so I could sit next to her. A little later Ann came in and so did Euronymous. We talked to her doctors and apparently one of her shoulders was dislocated from bracing for impact against the dashboard of the car, she had some lacerations running up her arms from broken glass that they had to stitch up, some soft tissue damage in the neck, as well as some bruising around her ribs from the seatbelt. I felt like crying, but I didn't instead I spoke.
"And how is he?" I asked trying to make my tone sound as neutral as possible.
"The driver?" The doctor asked, looking up from her clipboard.
I nodded.
"Well sir I'm actually not allowed to give out patient information to others." She said sternly.
"Please ma'am I- He's....a friend." I said lying through my teeth.
The doctor sighed.
"He's.....doing good, he had a couple lacerations on his hands but none of them bad enough to need stitches, and he has a bit of a concussion so we're keeping him awake right now, and then the obvious things you'd expect from a car crash, some whiplash, etc. Um yes but he's looking good." She said with a smile. I felt rage course through my fucking veins he got her into this accident and he gets away with a concussion while Draug isn't even fucking conscious.
"Well if that will be all I have to go, a nurse will be in to give her more pain medication soon, and if she wakes up before we expect just press that button to call a nurse." She said pointing to a button next to the bed, before walking out the room.
"If I ever see that fucker again I'm gonna wring his fucking neck." I said my hands shaking from the anger I was feeling.
"Yeah that would be so helpful to the situation right now." Ann commented sarcastically. I cast a glare her way and Euronymous kinda signalled her to shut the fuck up.
I sighed as I looked at Draug the rage leaving my body and being replaced with anguish.
"I should've gone with her." I said mainly to myself.
"You couldn't have known." Euronymous said, trying to comfort me.
"Plus you wanted to go, it's not for lack of trying." Ann added.
I hummed in response not really listening. Time passed weirdly in this clinical place, there was a clock on the wall if I wanted to keep track but I didn't want to move my eyes from her, so I mainly relied on the light from outside filtering through the white sheer curtains, as well as the transition to cold white lights when the sun went down, and finally when it was late and they turned a couple lights off and dimmed some others so patients could sleep. Ann and Euronymous came in and out, bringing coffee with them sometimes, other times just bringing the lingering smell of cigarettes with them, but I sat and watched her, not moving, not even thinking about moving. Eventually I fell asleep, I fought sleep off for as long as possible but eventually I was looking at her face and then I wasn't. The dream was incoherent but I knew it was a nightmare filled with the sounds of crashing cars and swearing and glass falling onto tar and screams and then silence, the silence was the worst part.
"-been here all night." A voice said, barely stirring me from my sleep.
"Hasn't left your side once I don't know how the man hasn't pissed himself yet at this point." Another voice chimed in, I felt my neck aching where the fuck did I fall asleep? Why were there voices in my room? What were they talking about? Then I heard a sound that reminded me of everything, I heard Draug's laughter and the images of what happened flashed through my head in an instant. I shot up almost knocking the chair I was sitting in over, but that wouldn't have mattered because I was standing by her side faster than the chair could've even hit the floor.
"Ada!" I half shouted as I cradled her face gently in my hands.

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