†Witches sabbath†

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I woke up to harsh light streaming through some sheer curtains. I rubbed my eyes still feeling groggy and noticed the drip in my arm. Then it all came back to me, the accident, me desperately telling the paramedic to call Helvete before I lost consciousness. I looked around the room to see Ann-marit sitting on the chair at the foot of my bed and Faust sitting next to my bed. I smiled at the beautiful man who was fast asleep, though he looked like he wasn't sleeping peacefully. His eyebrows were furrowed in a concerned expression.
"Draug! You're awake." Ann said suddenly.
"How do you feel?" She asked.
"Sore, but okay. These pain killers make me feel super weird which is kinda fun." I said with a drowsy smile.
She laughed and then Euronymous walked in.
"Fuck you're alive." He said humorously. I flipped him off.
"Yup still alive last time I checked." I said sarcastically.
"Could've fooled me." He said with a snarky smile.
I looked over to Faust still asleep.
"He's been here all night." Ann said as she followed my gaze.
"Hasn't left your side once I don't know how the man hasn't pissed himself yet at this point." Euronymous said with a laugh. I laughed as well but it was cut short as we all got a fright as Faust shot up from his seat and stumbled over to the hospital bed I was in. He put his hands on either side of my head leaning over me. I stared up at him my eyes adjusting to the lack of light, and then I took in all his features slightly obscured by his hair.
"Ada!!" He half screamed frantically.

"Ada!!" He half screamed frantically

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"Eithun." I said soflty as my throat was sore. Faust just responded by kissing me, hard at first but then gently as he realized I wasn't going away, I felt the wetness on his face from tears, and I deepened the kiss, running a hand through his hair, trying to kiss away his anxiety. Our lips parted as we heard someone clear their throat behind us. I snuck a glance behind Faust and saw Ann hitting Euronymous for disrupting us. I rolled my eyes and couldn't help but laugh.
"I love you." I said as I looked back at Faust.
"I love you." He returned.I kissed the lines of tears going down his face, kissing the tears away. He pressed his forehead to mine and closed his eyes. As I tried to take a deep breath of Faust's cologne I felt the wheeze in my chest, and could feel my unsteady breath turn into a cough, which I tried to do as quietly as possibly so I wouldn't worry anyone. Clearly Faust still noticed though as he opened his eyes and looked at me worriedly.
"What can I do?" He asked and in that moment it felt like I could've asked for absolutely anything and he would've gotten it for me.
"Nothing, just stay." I said simply as I grabbed his hand. Just having Faust with me was enough.
"The hard part is gonna be getting me to ever leave you alone again." He said with a smile, this caused a small chuckle out of me which seemed to please Faust. He abruptly stood up and brought his chair closer to the bed so he could hold my hand and sit next to me. I saw him try to wipe his tears away as discreetly as possible while he wasn't facing Ann and Euronymous.
"Of coarse the only thing that could wake this fucking man was the sound of your laugh Draug." Euronymous said with a laugh. Faust just flipped him off with a smile.
"Oh by the way Draug your sister should be here soon." Ann said suddenly. I sighed and looked up at Euronymous sitting at the foot of the bed.
"You told her?" I asked quietly.
"Well yeah, you could've died." Euronymous said, a comment that I saw made Faust visibly cringe. I squeezed his hand slightly.
"I- yeah I get that, but now she's gonna be worried over nothing." I said sounding more stressed than I intended to.
"I would hardly call this nothing." Euronymous fought.
I hummed in response lost in thought and I felt Faust squeeze my hand for support, which atleast made me feel better, as long as he was here I could deal with whatever was needed.
"Holy fuck I could use a cigarette right about now." I said with a laugh.
"Yeah I don't think the nurses would let you." Euronymous said with a laugh.
"Oh fuck, the nurses! We were supposed to call a nurse as soon as you woke up." Faust said putting his head in his hands. Ann danced around him and pressed a grey button attached to a cord, that was attached to my bed. Then only a few moments later a nurse walked in.
"You're awake!" She said chirpily.
"Yup." I said not really knowing what else to say.
"How are you feeling?" She asked as she checked the various monitors surrounding me.
"I feel fine." I said simply.
"Don't lie." Faust said squeezing my hand. I groaned as the nurse cast a suspicious look my way.
"I'm in a little bit of pain, but that's not abnormal I was just in a car accident!" I said defensively.
"True, some pain is to be expected but I'll up your pain killers some more." The nurse said as she adjusted some things before walking out.
"Gonna go have a smoke." Euronymous said and he and Ann got up from their seats.
"Lucky fuckers." I said, they laughed as they left the room. Now that Faust and I had some alone time the weight of the situation showed it's true force.
"Draug..." I heard Faust say which caused me to look at him, he looked worried.
"Yeah?" I replied.
"What happened?" He asked meeting my eyes. I took a deep breath before I said anything, half worried about what Faust would do if he heard the story and the other half of me not wanting to go through it all again.
"Well........we started driving to the store and I think he commented that I was being quiet or something and I just said I was thinking about the guys giving me shit. He wanted to know what I was talking about so I told him...I remember saying something along the lines of 'but I know that's obviously not true' or something like that in regards to him having feelings for me, and he asked if it would be such a bad thing if he did have a thing for me." I said taking a pause when I saw Faust's hand tighten around his knee. I looked up and made eye contact with him and he took a steadying breath.
"It's okay go on." He said. I gritted my teeth but continued.
"I fought him about that cause I'm obviously with you, and even if I wasn't I don't like him remotely in that way at all. We went back and forth for a little while and I realized he was going pretty fast and not looking at the road, I told him once or twice to keep his eyes on the road but...he didn't and then the next thing I remember there was a car in front of us. I tried to shield myself as best as I could while bracing for impact, he tried to swerve but he was just too late or we were going just too fast, I guess it doesn't really matter now.....anyway the car seemed to roll for eternity and then I kinda blacked out, the next thing I remember was a paramedic checking eyes and breathing and heart beat, I told them to call Helvete and recited the number for them and then blacked out again. That's pretty much it, well that's the short version at least." I finished off finally. My eyes had started to wonder around the room while I told the events to him and so I looked back at Faust who had a combination of emotions on his face. He looked angry, but also sad and scared?
I squeezed his hand returning him back to me from his thoughts.
"Are you okay?" He asked me abruptly. I started looking over my injuries assessing how bad they really were, but he stopped me.
"I mean mentally, are you okay?" He repeated with more context.
"Oh......yeah I think so. I mean it still feels kinda surreal, but like I'm sure it'll all sink in. The worst part wasn't really the accident it was my image of this person, this friend being completely shattered." I said thoughtfully. Faust nodded and rubbed my hand with his thumb.
"Ada! Oh my god are you okay?!" I heard Andrine suddenly. I looked towards the door to see her rushing towards me to hug me, the hug was awkward considering I was in mild pain and I had some tubes and wires attached to me. She let me go finally and sat in the chair Euronymous was using at the foot of my bed.
"Hey Andrine, hey Astrid. I'm doing okay I told Euronymous he shouldn't have bothered you guys sorry." I said as Astrid sat in the other chair at the end of my bed.
"Ada it's no problem, you aren't bothering us we just wanna make sure you're okay!" Andrine said sounding worried.
"You didn't call mom or dad did you?" I asked.
"No don't worry I'm not that inexperienced." She said with a laugh. I let out a sigh dealing with Andrine and Astrid I could deal with but my hypercritical mother definitely not.
"Thank fuck." I said relieved.
Faust chuckled a bit at my side. I looked over to him with a smile and really looked at him, he had eye bags under his eyes worse than usual, his hair was disheveled and had some knots in, he was wearing the same clothes I left him in and he looked awfully pale.
"Faust are you okay?" I asked, he looked confused.
"Draug don't worry about me, let's just worry about getting you healthy and out of here as soon as possible." He said trying to reassure my worries.
"Have you eaten anything? Have you gone home at all?" I continued my line of questioning.
"No I haven't." He answered softly.
"Well I'm gonna be here for at least the rest of today, and Samara needs fresh food and water, you also need fresh food and water, plus I have Andrine and Astrid AND Ann and Euronymous." I started trying to convince himself to take care of himself.
"I can get Euronymous to go feed Samara and I can do everything I need to do once you're home with me." He said stubbornly.
"I'll be fine for an hour Faust." I said simply. He rolled his eyes to himself slightly.
"That's what I thought last time." He said referring to the accident. I audibly laughed at the dark remark which caused him even more confusion and probably didn't help my case in trying to convince him of leaving me alone.
"You know what fair enough." I said trying to hide the laughter bubbling within me.
"So you two finally live together?" Astrid asked. I remembered the last time Faust and I saw them we hadn't moved in together yet.
"Yeah, he actually asked me if I wanted to move in to his place the day we got home from our little trip back to mom and dad's place." I said with a small laugh.
"I mean makes sense, you guys just work too well together." Astrid laughed on as well.
"Mmmmm except when you're being stubborn." I said to Faust teasingly.
"You're the most stubborn person I know, you can't talk." He replied cheekyly. As Ann and Euronymous came back Faust stopped Euronymous at the door and talked to him indistinctly. Euronymous nodded a couple times and snuck a couple glances at me, I know Faust was talking extremely softly on purpose so I didn't hear anything he said but I wasn't sure why. Maybe it was so everyone in the room couldn't hear maybe not specifically me?
Soon Euronymous walked out kissing Ann's forehead before he left, and Faust came and sat next to me again. The hours passed groggily, I listened to everyone chatting but the strong meds they put me on made me too out of it to really engage. Soon enough Euronymous came back and then after a couple more hours I was finally discharged. Astrid and Andrine would be staying at a motel for the rest of the night which I was secretly grateful for, I just wanted some alone time with Faust so I could truly unwind. I sat in the passenger seat of Faust's car as we drove home in silence, I kept dozing off every now and then feeling very mentally and physically tired. As Faust parked the car in the driveway he rushed to my door, opening it for me, unbuckling my seatbelt and picking me up. I was too tired to protest so I let him carry me into the house. He put me down on our bed as he opened the cupboard looking for some comfy clothes for me to wear. He got out a pair of my plaid pajama pants, putting them on the bed next to me and then took his shirt off, folding it and putting it atop the pajama pants. I let out a loud yawn and he turned to look at me. He grasped my face in his hand, tilting my face so I was looking up at him. I smiled lazily and wrapped my arms around his waist pulling his closer to me. He chuckled and tangled a hand in my hair, stroking my head slightly. He then took my shirt off for me and put his shirt on me, kissing my neck as he did so.
"You know I can get dressed myself right?" I asked snarkily.
"Are you trying to tell me that you don't want to be pampered Draug? Cause by all means I can stop." He said sarcastically, putting his hands up.
"Nooooooo." I said as I pulled him towards me again. I kissed his wrists and waist as I caught the string of his pants between my teeth.
Faust reddened ever so slightly but returned my gaze.
"Not tonight my love." He said as he removed the string from my mouth, I kissed his finger tips as they brushed against my mouth.
"You love making things hard for me don't you?" He said with a laugh as he took my pants and socks off. I lay back onto the bed with a slight smile. He grabbed the pajama pants but before he could put them on I interrupted him.
"You forgot to take something else off." I said flirtatiously. Faust looked confused for a second before he followed my gaze to my lacey black underwear. He rolled his eyes trying to suppress a smile.
"Draug..." He said simply.
"I mean why not though, I know you want to." I said standing my ground.
"You're bruised and sore all over, I don't wanna hurt you." He said genuinely. My gaze softened, how did I end up with such a gentle, respectful man? I kissed his forehead.
"I really did worry you didn't I?" I asked as I pressed his hand to my cheek. He was towering over me and so he leaned lower to me by adjusting his weight to one of his knees he placed in between my legs on the bed.
"Yes, but it's not your fault. I'm just relieved you're okay." He said pressing a kiss to my forehead in return. I decided to not make any more problems for the poor man and let him dress me as he pulled the pajama pants up my black and blue legs he kissed every bruise lightly, stopping as he kissed the inside of my thighs not helping my horniness. He could tell how much he was torturing me cause as he got closer and closer to the place I wanted his mouth most I grabbed onto some on his hair in anticipation, but gave him a death glare when he stopped at my thighs. He chuckled and gave me a sheepish look before he walked me to the kitchen where he made us coffee and dinner. We sat on the couch with Samara eating Mac n cheese and sipping on our too hot coffee. After dinner we headed to bed early, since both of us needed the sleep. Curled up in Faust's arms the whole night I felt safe again, and he would barely let go of me so I could go to the bathroom but it didn't annoy me, because I wanted to be with him just as much.

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