†Al svartr (the oath)†

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A couple weeks had passed since the accident, some of the more stubborn bruises still clung to my skin and the cuts on my arms were still ever present, but at least they started scabbing over and some of the pain felt while breathing from my bruised ribs had subsided. Before Andrine and Astrid left the day after the accident they handed me and Faust a brown envelope with imprints of roses on it. When Faust and I opened it with our black dagger letter opener we found an invitation to their wedding. I squeeled and danced around, happy for my sister, I mean her and Astrid had been engaged forever and so I was giddy with joy and excitement over their wedding that was taking place in 3 weeks. After a week of staying at home all day and resting like Faust and Euronymous insisted I do I got extremely fucking bored and decided to head to work. Faust and Euro weren't happy as they thought I needed more time to recover but I knew what I really needed which was something to fucking do.

I woke up and twisted my arms around Faust's neck pressing myself into him as I stretched. He wrapped his arms around my waist, letting out I laugh that blew my hair upwards into the air.
"Morning." He said groggily.
"Morning." I returned as I kissed his cheek. I then freed myself from his arms before he was awake enough to try trap me in bed, I trotted over to the bathroom brushing my teeth and taming my wild black hair. I then walked back over to the bedroom and opened the cupboard, searching for my outfit of the day. Faust yawned and sat up in bed, the black sheets sliding off his bare chest and pooling in his lap I tried not to drool over him as he watched me grab a longsleeve Bathory shirt

 Faust yawned and sat up in bed, the black sheets sliding off his bare chest and pooling in his lap I tried not to drool over him as he watched me grab a longsleeve Bathory shirt

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Sone dark camo pants

My pair of knee high new rocks

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My pair of knee high new rocks

My pair of knee high new rocks

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