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"I mean if you want....I wouldn't mind." He said with a small smile on his lips.
"That would actually be really nice." I said feeling like a weight had been lifted off my chest.
"Where's your childhood home anyway?" Faust asked While exhaling some smoke.
"Trøndelag." I said simply. Faust raised his eyebrows seemingly surprised.
"Shit that's so close to my home town, maybe I'll have to pay my mom a visit..." He said thoughfully.
"Wait Where's your childhood home?" I asked.
"Hedmark." He added. Shit that was really close.

A couple days passed and Faust and I confirmed with Euronymous that it would be okay if we left for a little bit, he said it was fine and we really didn't have to worry, so we didn't. So Andrine, Astrid, Faust and I were all off to Trøndelag in Andrine's car.

When we got there it was already snowing, and it was snowing *hard*

When we got there it was already snowing, and it was snowing *hard*

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Faust helped me with my bag as we got all our luggage out the car. As we were carrying our bags, I slipped and fell into the freezing snow. Faust tried to help me up but i was dead weight. Instead of letting him pick me up, I dragged him down with me.
"Fuck you." He laughed.
He awkwardly propped himself up, while on top of me. He looked at me and as soon as I saw his eyes I wanted to kiss him. I was hesitant at first, but then I realised all those drunken kisses we had, where we had to stop. Those rules didn't apply here, I was allowed to kiss him and so I caught his lips with my own, and pulled his hair. He kissed me hard pulling me ontop of him, with his hands clinging to my back. He let out a soft moan as I deepened the kiss, but I pulled away when I felt a slight tremor go through my body. I could feel us both shaking slightly, the snow made our clothes wet and the wind cut right through us. I looked over to our bags that we threw haphazardly in the heat of the moment.
"Shit." I muttered under my breath, the clothes we had packed were most definitly soaked. I pulled myself up, and Faust did the same. We sheepishly walked inside leaving wet foot prints near the door.
"Ada what happened?! You're sopping!" I heard my mother before I saw her.
"Faust this is my mother Ingrid." I said softly.
"Oh hello there!" My mom said her attitude changing as soon as she saw the new man.
"Hi ma'am I'm Eithun." Faust stuck out his hand. It was weird hearing him use his real name, since he never did.
"I'm Ingrid and this is Erik my husband." She said not taking his hand.
"Hey dad." I said simply, he just smiled at me.
"Well since you've soaked all your clothes, we'll have to put these in the dryer, but I'm sure Andrine will have something to share with you Ada and don't worry Eithun we can find something for you in Erik's wardrobe." my mother said as she picked up our bags. Faust and I began to walk towards the rooms but she stopped us.
"Oh no, no! You'll leave wet footprints all over the house, you'll have to take those wretched drenched clothes off here."She said smiling. I looked over to Faust who just shrugged his shoulders.
"Are you serious?" I asked incredulously.
"Oh very." She replied.
I sighed and started stripping. Faust did the same. I tried not to gawk while with my mother but I couldn't help but sneak glaces at Faust's body slightly glittering from being damp. Then in our underwear alone we ran upstairs, Faust followed me into my old bedroom.
"Maybe we can continue where we left off." He said as he cupped my face and pulled me towards him. I rested my hands on Faust's hip bones, his skin freezing cold to the touch. Our faces were inches apart but just before we could kiss we heard someone clearing their throat. Faust and I jumped away from each other and looked around wildly. Andrine was standing in the doorway holding a pile of clothes for me.
"You should go to my dad's room, it's just down the hall." Andrine nodded to Faust who obliged. After he left she sat down on the bed next to me.
"I think this should fit you, just tell me if you need something else though." she said. She gave me a suggestive look before leaving. I pulled on the obnoxiously bright clothing and scoffed at the outfit I found myself in. Agonisingly tight, blue, skinny jeans

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