†The eruption†

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I rushed over to the bathroom to find Faust curled over the toilet, throwing up. I grabbed his hair, pulling it back and away from his face. He tried to say something but just ended up throwing up more. I rubbed his back, trying to soothe him as he spat bile out of his mouth. He sat up straight, slumping into my arms a bit.
"You ok?" I asked softly. He nodded in response as he wiped his chin. He got up, gargling water and spat it out, trying to get the taste of vomit out his mouth. I ruffled through the bathroom drawers and finally found an old toothbrush. The bristles were a bit frassled but other than that it didn't look worse for wear. I handed it to Faust, who began scraping his tongue with it. I found an old tube of toothpaste as well, which I threw at him. As he started brushing his teeth, I headed back to his bedroom and got the small single bed ready. If we squeezed together a bit, we would be fine, then Faust walked in.
"I think it's all out of my system.."He trailed off looking at the tiny bed. I kissed him, and he steadied himself by grabbing onto my hips.
"Hey, you don't taste like throw up at least." I said, breaking away from the kiss. He let out a breathy laugh, and he swayed a bit from all the alchohol. I pushed him onto the bed and then tucked myself in next to him. Faust wrapped his arms around me, and I nestled into his embrace.
When I woke up, Faust was lying on top of me, his limbs strewn about messily. I couldn't quite tell what woke me up at first, but then I realised. Aase was yelling on the phone, I couldn't quite tell what she was saying, but it seemed friendly enough, I just wished it wasn't so loud. Faust snuggled into my hair a bit, still fast asleep. He must be used to this. I tried going back to sleep but Faust's elbow was digging into me and I couldn't tune out Aase's yelling so I let out a sigh, blowing a few strands of my and Faust's hair up into the air. Faust's eyes fluttered open in confusion, and he looked up at me as he wiped the sleep from his eyes.
"Sorry, did I wake you?" I asked, linking my hands around his waist.
"Yeah, but it's fine." He said with a small laugh. He looked towards the door of his room, only now noticing his loud mother.
"She wake you?" He asked softly.
"Yeah... don't worry, though."I said , now laughing too.
"We should probably get up anyway." Faust said, shifting his weight so that he wasn't resting his entire body on me.
"Yeah." I said softly. We got ourselves dressed and had coffee with Aase before we headed out. The drive back was long but once we got back to my house in Trondelag we headed inside. I threw andrine's car keys onto the kitchen counter.
"Ada? Is that you?!" I heard my mother yell from the living room. I cringed immediately wanting to go back to being curled up in bed with Faust.
"Yeah ma! We're back!" I yelled back. There was silence and then I heard the shuffling of footsteps.
"Why are you two home so late?!" She asked frantically as she entered the kitchen.
"We stayed the night at Eithun's mom's house and it took long to drive back today." I rolled my eyes playing with the hem of my shirt.
"Plus the funeral is only tomorrow ma." I added. My mother tsked at me as she brushed past me harshly.
"Didn't Andrine tell you this anyway?" I asked.
My mother gave me a confused look and just shook her head.
"I called her, she was supposed to tell you!" I sighed into my hands. Then Andrine walked in.
"You bitch! You didn't tell mom that Faust and I were staying the night?!" I yelled at her. She rolled her eyes at me.
"Sorry I forgot, I was abit....busy." She said slyly smiling. Then Astrid walked through the door, looking slightly more flustered and wobbly than Andrine. I looked between the two of them.
"Gross." I said nonchalantly.
Faust shrugged his shoulders at me and I nodded over to Andrine and Astrid. He squinted his eyes at them slightly, then he finally got it and he let out a caw of laughter. After a bit I decided to help my mom with making lapskaus for dinner, she was surprised by this but I think she appreciated the help.
"Ada would you like a mimosa?" My mom asked as she poured herself another.
"No thanks ma." I said absentmindedly chopping the swede.
"I know exactly what you want Draug." Faust said slamming down a beer in front of me and opening it with his ring. I chuckled to myself and linked my arms around his neck, pulling him down so that I could kiss him. He leaned into the kiss, putting most of his body weight on me up against the kitchen counter. I heard my mom clear her throat and I released Faust from our tangle of limbs. I thought that, that maybe pushed her limits a bit.
I took a sip from my beer and continued cutting the swede into bite sized chunks. Faust went over and started talking with Andrine and my father.
"So he's quite the character isn't he?" My mother said referring to Faust. I tried not to roll my eyes as I knew she was only trying to make friendly  conversation.
"Mhm." I hummed back in response.
"How did you two meet anyway?" She asked probing for more information.
"At work." I said simply.
"Oh interesting!" She replied trying her best to sound enthusiastic but failing.
"Yeah when I started working at Helvete with Øystein I never thought I'd make such good friends. I mean I just found *my* people, I never thought I'd really experience that... I mean I knew there were other metalheads out there, but I could've only dreamed that my life was like this." I said smiling to myself.
"You really are happy huh...." My mother said sounding melancholy.
"Yeah I am, and Eithun makes me REALLY happy, he's...good for me." I added. My mother just offered me a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes and walked towards the sink. I sighed and walked over to Andrine, Faust and my father.
"Where's Astrid?" I asked as Faust linked an arm around me.
"She's taking a shower so, sorry if you wanted hot water but there isn't gonna be any left." Andrine laughed. I smiled and shook my head.
My father and Andrine continued conversing and I felt Faust squeeze me a little tighter.
"You okay?" He leaned down to whisper this to me.
I nodded my head trying to convince him I was fine, but he saw right through me.
"Let's go outside and have a cigarette." He said dragging me outside with him before I could even respond.

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