★He who sought the fire★

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I heard Faust open the door and he took his hands off my face, I opened my eyes to see....our bedroom? I peered inside and didn't notice anything different.
Just before I was about to ask what the fuck was going on I heard something.
"Is there an animal in this room?!" I asked excitedly.
Faust smiled and nodded.
"Check behind the pillows she likes being sandwiched between the pillows and the headboard." He said.
I got onto the bed and moved my pillow. To reveal the most precious black kitten who was currently wearing one of Faust's cuffs around her neck.

 To reveal the most precious black kitten who was currently wearing one of Faust's cuffs around her neck

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"Oh my fucking god Eithun!" I said as I picked up the tiny baby cat.
"What are we gonna name her?" He asked stroking behind her ears.
"Hmmmmm." I thought.
"Onyx?" Faust suggested.
"Too basic." I said.
"Grimalkin?" I asked.
"What?" Faust asked dumbfounded by my name suggestion.
"The devil/witch's cat."I said.
"Too hard to pronounce." Faust added.
"Samara?" He said.
"Samara." I tested the name out, looking at our  black haired beauty.
"I like that." I said finally.
"Me too." Faust said.
"Then Samara it is!" I said scratching her head. Faust took off the cuff around her neck and added it back to his arm.
"I bought the perfect collar for her, but I wanted you to do the honors." He said, as he grabbed a purple velvet box from his bedside table.
He opened it and I saw the silver pentagram collar that was, just like he said, perfect for her. I placed her down on the bed and attached the collar onto her, I saw in the box there were multiple sizes so we wouldn't have to get her a new one when she grew, or if it broke.

 I placed her down on the bed and attached the collar onto her, I saw in the box there were multiple sizes so we wouldn't have to get her a new one when she grew, or if it broke

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"How did you get this all done in like 3 days" I asked.
" I've had this planned for a while." He said rubbing his neck.
"So wait that's what Jørn was talking about 'you sneaking around'?" I asked.
"Yeah, it was really hard getting the guys to keep their mouths shut." He said rolling his eyes.
"Thank you, I love our child so much." I said kissing him.
"Now let me bandage that hand up now." I said before we got carried away making out. I got Faust to sit on the kitchen counter as I got all the supplies out.

 I got Faust to sit on the kitchen counter as I got all the supplies out

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