†Beyond the great vast forest†

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"Draug." I heard a familiar voice try stir me from sleep.
"Draug baby c'mon." I finally woke when Faust lifted me ever so slightly to wake me.
My eyes fluttered open and I saw Faust looking at me expectantly.
"Awake yet?" He asked with an amused smile on his face.
"Almost." I said as I stretched my limbs out and pulled Faust on top of me. I kissed him sloppily and aggressively. He pulled away for a moment.
"Good morning to you too." He said with a sly grin. We got dressed for the funeral soon after. I wore a black gothic dress with stockings underneath and a pair of my less extravagant new rock boots.

 I wore a black gothic dress with stockings underneath and a pair of my less extravagant new rock boots

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I wore my hair loose

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I wore my hair loose.
Faust wore a black turtleneck and some black jeans with some of his high new rock boots.

Faust wore a black turtleneck and some black jeans with some of his high new rock boots

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