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"It's......" Jenna started but trailed off when she met my gaze.
"Well? Spit it out!" I said feeling a pang of concern and anxiety.
"It's Faust he's throwing up in the bathroom." She said trying to get the words out as quickly as possible.
"He didn't seem that drunk...." Andrine stated quietly.
"He isn't." I said firmly, making eye contact with Euronymous and Ann, we all knew how much alcohol it took to get Faust drunk and it was a lot and the amount he had drunk was not even close to the amount needed to effect him. I wanted to ask questions and interrogate the bitch but I didn't have time for that, Faust needed me so I violently brushed passed Jenna and speed walked towards the bathroom. I cracked open the door to find Faust essentially cradiling the toilet as he made aggressive wretching sounds. I was by his side instantly rubbing his back and pulling his pony tail away from his mouth. He looked up at me and seemed to calm down when he saw it was me.
"What happened?" I asked as I pressed a kiss to his temple.
"I was.....getting more.....booze from the uh kitchen...... And Jenna offered me some cookies....I'm not dumb so asked if they had weed in them but she said uh no.....so I had like two.
She lied." He said in bursts of speech in between throwing up and trying to collect his thoughts.
"Fucking cunt." I said through my teeth the anger radiating off my body.
"I know it was stupid I should've assumed-" he started before I interrupted him.
"No! No not you she's the cunt, you asked because you didn't want to get high cause you've also been drinking quite a bit and she purposefully lied to you for whatever perverted fucking reason and now you have the fucking greenies." I said turning his face to look at me.
"Greenies?" He sounded the word out sounding confused.
"It's when you either have too much weed or you drink before you get high or both, you get really sick and it's really shit." I said explaining to him, and trying to calm down.
"You ever had it?" He said in a slightly strangled voice.
"Yeah. It's not fun but I promise you're not gonna die even if it feels like you might." I said pushing a few strands of hair that escaped his long pony tail out his face. He leaned his head into my hand. He threw up some more before he got most of it out. I led him outside to the pateo, he was still feeling a little sick and wobbly but some fresh cold air and water would help. He clung to me desperately as I led him outside, with him basically draped over my shoulders with his arms linked around my neck and his clumsy feet and legs that weren't cooperating trailing behind us. I sat him down on a white metal chair near Ann and Euronymous. They shot me worried looks but before I could explain I ran off to the kitchen and filled up a water bottle. I then returned to find Faust looking off into the garden defiantly, his hair falling out of the elastic slightly masking his face from Ann and Euronymous.
"What's up with him?" Euro asked pointing at Faust with his beer.
"Greenies." I said simply before setting the water bottle down next to Faust. Just as I was about to get a chair to pull up next to Faust, he pulled me onto his lap. His hands linked around my waist and rested on my lap and he buried his face in my hair near the nape of my neck. I made a sort of startled sound that made Ann and Euronymous chuckle.
"Fuck I remember the first time I got greenies, literally the worst." Andrine remarked and we all nodded in agreement. I took out a cigarette, Faust not moving or loosening his vice-like grip on me whilst I moved around looking for a lighter.
"My pocket." He muttered softly to me.
"Hmm?" I hummed.
"There's a light in my pocket." He said angling his head slightly towards my ear so I could hear him better. I felt in jacket pockets and sighed when I realized he was talking about his pants pocket. I tried to think of a way to do this without looking utterly suspicious, but realized that Andrine and Astrid were distracted canoodling and so were Ann and Euronymous. Faust made a hushed surprised sound as I grazed something in his pants that was definitely not the lighter I quickly grabbed for the object that was the lighter in a rush.
"Sorry." I whispered as I lit the cigarette.
"It's okay, if I didn't feel like the entire world was spinning I would probably be more open to that right now." He said with a bitter chuckle. I laughed softly with him before playing with a strand of his hair. It had been a little while since Faust and I had sex since while I was healing from the accident he kinda acted like if touched me too much he'd break me, but in the passed week or so, since most of my bruises had gone we'd gotten a lot steamier, but we were interrupted because of something or other every time. We didn't mind much, cause we knew it wouldn't be forever and also just loved hanging out with each other, but because of the lack of stimulation as of recently we were bothly pretty easily turned out and unfortunately this was one of those times probably also exasperated because of Faust's high state. Faust let out an exasperated sigh as he held me closer.
I realized why he was annoyed when I had to adjust myself on his lap as I was being theoretically stabbed in the thigh by his dick.
"Why now? Fuck I think my body hates me sometimes." He muttered to me as he ripped the elastic out from his hair, letting his now free hair cover his face. I chuckled ever so slightly and then just twisted in his lap to kiss his hair.
"Sorry love." I said simply.
We sat in silence for a little bit sharing a smoke before I heard I voice I really didn't want to.
"Faust didn't know you couldn't handle pot!" Jenna said with an obnoxious laugh as she walked outside. Faust lifted his head from my hair to look at her.
"I didn't know you were a lying bitch." He said with disdain dripping from his every word.
"Well I knew the last part, should've just assumed the first." He said with a scoff.
"Wow someone has their fucking claws out, just cause you threw up your lunch cause you can't handle a tiny bit of weed doesn't mean you have to go and blame me." She said putting a hand on her hips. I started to stand up so I could beat the living daylights out of her, but was pulled down frantically by Faust. I sighed understanding that this was the best for me and him, I didn't want to cause a scene on my sister's special day and Faust didn't want anyone to know about our compromsing situation.
"Fuck off and go suck some dude's dick please." I said angrily.
"Oh you're mad too?" She asked sounding both bored and curious at the same time somehow.
"Yeah you tricked him into getting high and even if that wasn't bad enough you knew he had been drinking before hand, you can go fall into a ditch for all I care." I added.
"I'd hardly say he was tricked." She huffed.
"I don't know I think when someone asks if there's a certain substance in something and then you deliberately lie to them about it so that they'll have said substance without their knowledge, sounds like trickery to me." Astrid said with Andrine's arms around her. Jenna just rolled her eyes.
"Why did you even lie? Why'd you want him to get high? Are you just a sadist or were you trying to date rape my boyfriend?" I asked confrontationally. Faust squeezed.me harder, out of anxiety or support I wasn't sure.
"Woah you really think that low of me?!" She asked baffled.
"Yup." I said simply, causing Euronymous to snicker into Ann's shoulder. Jenna made a kind of angry half scream before storming off inside.
"So much for no drama." Andrine said thoughtfully.
I opened my mouth to apologize but before I could even get a word out she interrupted me.
"Don't apologize it's not either of you guys' fault....Jenna on the other hand." She said before standing and going to talk to Jenna inside, Astrid joined her. Euronymous and Ann then went inside to retrieve more booze. Now that Faust and I were alone I twisted in his lap to face him.
"Can we sort out the dick situation? Do like what's it called the waistband method or whatever." I said looking down.
"No in pants like these you'll still be able to see it." He said sounding hopeless. I looked down to see what he meant, and yeah the tight fitting black dress pants showed the outline of everything going on.
"Come on." I said as I got off his lap, reaching out my hand for him. He regarded me before grabbing my hand. I lead us out into the garden where we could sit on the grass together.
"You feeling any better?" I asked as we sat down on the slightly damp grass.
"Yeah. I don't feel high anymore and I don't feel sick either, just deathly tired." He said rubbing his hands over his face. I squeezed his hand, feeling shit that his night was ruined cause of some stupid girl. Faust could clearly see the rage bubbling up inside me again cause he cupped my face with his free hand.
"It's okay, stop thinking about it." He said softly giving my hand a squeeze with his other hand. He then began to lie down the grass, motioning me to do the same. I looked up at the sky, some of the clouds from earlier were beginning to clear and so I could see the moon revealing itself from behind the clouds.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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