†Thorns on my grave†

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I was getting ready for my date with Andreas, trying to decide what to wear.

I was getting ready for my date with Andreas, trying to decide what to wear

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Once I finally got my outfit together I headed over to Helvete. I promised Euronymous I'd work early if I could clock off early today, so that was the plan. Since it was so early the only people in the shop were Euronymous and Faust. I greeted them as I sat on the counter.
"You look nice today." Euronymous said glancing at my outfit.
"You always look good." Faust said with a smirk. Euronymous rolled his eyes.
"Thanks guys, I'm going on a date today so I'm glad." I said with a laugh. Euronymous wiggled his eyebrows at me, but couldn't take himself seriously so it devolved into laughing his ass off.
"Please don't tell me it's the dick from the shop." Faust said furrowing his brows.
"Andreas? Yeah he's fetching me later." I said smirking slightly.
"Ugh." Faust said sighing into his hands.
I laughed a bit and jabbed him in his side. The rest of the day was pretty boring, then at around 01:00 someone entered the shop. Andreas came up to the til with a smile. I audibly heard Faust sigh, which I pointidly ignored.
"Hey ready to go?" He asked leaning on the counter.
"Yup, just give me a minute." I said as I grabbed my bag.
"Bye boys." I Fist bumped Euronymous and winked at Faust as I left. Andreas ended up taking me out for lunch, we talked and got to know eachother abit more. Andreas seemed nice, but I couldn't keep my mind off of Faust. After lunch I went back to Helvete to hang out with the guys. When I went inside I heard the back-end of a conversation Faust was having.
"He's an ass-" He stopped when he heard me coming in.
"Oh is the princess back from her date?" He asked smiling at me.
I rolled my eyes as I put my bag down on the counter and grabbed a beer.
"How was it?" Euronymous asked.
"Um yeah it was good, he's very nice." I said thinking back to the date.
"You don't like nice though, do you?" Faust said as he snaked a hand around my waist and pulled me towards him. I felt myself blush as he took the beer from my hand and opened it for me. I almost spilled my beer as Faust pulled me onto his lap. Euronymous raised an eyebrow at me. I twisted to look at Faust.
"What wanna kiss me again?" He asked raising an eyebrow at me. I heard Hellhammer let out a small laugh, and my blush deepened.
"Faust..." I said weakly pushing at his chest. He grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers. His slightly red cheeks, slurred words and the intense smell of beer on his breath all told me he was drunk.

 His slightly red cheeks, slurred words and the intense smell of beer on his breath all told me he was drunk

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I got up.
"Hey can you grab my jacket?" Necrobutcher asked, he pointed to the general direction of Faust's chill area. I got up and headed behind the small separating wall, as I looked for the jacket I suddenly heard the boys cheering and whooping. I turned around to see what they were laughing at, but my view was blocked. Faust followed me. He pushed me against the wall gently, kissing me hard. Even though this was the thing I wanted most, I couldn't. He was drunk. I pushed him away trying to be as gentle as possible. He looked at me, his eyes swirling with emotion.
"Faust....You're drunk." I said softly.
"Ada I want you." Faust said kissing my neck. I suddenly became hyper-aware of the boys sitting not even a room away from us, and they were being surprisingly quiet. I outstretched my arms, putting some distance between us. I walked off before he could start begging me, and walked off back to the group.
"Done already?" Euronymous scoffed. I gave him my best death glare. Faust came and sat down next to me seemingly unbothered. Soon Ann-Marit and Maja arrived and joined out group of loud drinkers. We all decided to head to a club, it didn't play good music but we were all drunk enough to excuse it. People danced and sung and screamed and we were all having fun. I ordered a drink at the bar, but looked away when I heard Euronymous walk into a table and then curse very loudly because of it. I laughed to myself as I payed attention to my drink again. I saw a guy at the end of the bar who kept eyeing me. I frowned to myself and chugged some of my beverage and instantly felt weird. I got an instant headrush, I stumbled back slightly. I sniffed my drink it smelt fine, though I wasn't sure about taking another sip. I looked over and saw the man coming up to me. I tried to walk away but my legs weren't working properly and I stumbled forward. I started getting worried, I clearly wasn't just drunk. I looked for Euronymous or Faust or Necrobutcher or fucking anyone, panic filled my body when I couldn't find them. I felt like my body was getting slower and my eyes pricked with panicked tears. I heard the guy from the bar say something behind me, but I couldn't decipher it over my heavy breathing. I looked wildly from side to side looking for someone I knew, when I bumped into something. I looked up frantically to see I bumped into Faust's back. He turned around laughing at something Maja said. As he saw me in my panicked, disociated state the smile dropped off his face.
"Draug what's wrong?" He asked seriously.
"I......He.......My drink.....The man...he....." I let out a frustrated cry as I couldn't get the words out properly. Faust put his arm around me, protecting me from the world and walking me towards the exit. The man from the bar walked up to us.
"Oh hey man, me and her were just about to head back to my place." He said suddenly getting between the exit and us.
Faust eyed him, then craned his neck to look at me.

I couldn't say anything so I just shook my head slightly

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I couldn't say anything so I just shook my head slightly. Faust tightened his grip around me and brushed passed the dude. I tried to say something but it just came out as a weak mumble.
"Don't worry Ada you're safe, I'm not gonna leave your side." He said to me softly. I felt myself slipping slightly and Faust supporting my weight. I didn't wanted to pass out, but I atleast felt safe enough to do so.

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