Chapter 17: Make Ups and Make Outs

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Harry's POV

"Tonight is gonna be great!" Niall says, slamming the door of his car shut. I run a hand through my long hair and follow sullenly behind him down the pathway that leads to the beach.

"Tell me again why Liam's not going to be at the hottest party of the year?" Louis asks.

"First of all, you say that about every party and second of all, I think he said he and Sophia are going out for a romantic dinner for their anniversary or something like that." I pull my hair band off my wrist and throw my hair into a quick bun as the summer heat swelters down on us.

As we quickly approach the beach, my stomach knots. It has been a few weeks since I last saw Leah and I don't know what her reaction will be if she sees me. I haven't seen her at school or the bakery since then so I've safely assumed that she's been avoiding me. I just don't like it when she's mad at me. Which she has every right to since I was such a dick to her.

After she walked away at the auditorium, I thought a lot about what she said and realized maybe she was right...maybe. I was still hurt that she didn't tell me that she knew but I also realized that I shouldn't have lied in the first place. If I hadn't lied then she wouldn't have had to lie and this whole thing could have been avoided. I also realized that it was my own insecurities that had caused me to lie and doubt Leah's intentions even when she had never given me a reason to.

I had gone to the bakery everyday last week to tell her all of this and ask her if we could just start over, but she'd always sneak to the back after seeing me through the front window, leaving Ty to give me lame excuses as to why she couldn't come out and speak to me.

"Whipped!" Niall interrupts my thoughts as he shouts loudly from behind me. I sigh as I look at the large crowd already gathered down below at the shore. Literally every kid on the island was here to celebrate the ending of the semester and the beginning of summer. I, however, wasn't in the mood to be surrounded by a bunch of loud, annoyingly drunk kids. I look to the right where the beach turns rocky and notice it's much calmer and quieter over there, with only a few people huddled around the bonfire. Hopefully I can sneak down there and away from all the hype of summer fun.

"Guess it's just us three," Louis grins widely at Niall and I as he swings his arms around our shoulders. I glare lowly at him as he and Niall are the ones who forced me to come out tonight when all I wanted to do was mope around in my bed hoping Leah would somehow just forgive me.

"I'm just gonna go...look around." I say uneasily, glancing once more to my peaceful oasis.

"You mean look for Leah." Louis quickly replies.

I glare at him. "No, I mean look around." I quickly walk away before they can drag me along with them to try and find some girls to pick up. I was in no mood to flirt with clingy girls. The only girl I wanted was the one who wanted nothing to do with me.

Leah's POV

"Hey! How was your last day of school?" Zayn asks as I dump my school bag on the counter. He's sat there sketching in his art book.

"Pretty good! I'm just glad it's finally summer," I reply as I open the fridge and rummage through it looking for a snack.

"So what are your plans for today? You still want to race each other on the jet skis?"

"Yeah, or if you want, there's a party. This guy in my class, Derek, invited me. But if you don't want to, then we could go jet skiing." I decide on a pudding cup and take a seat next to him. I peal off the lid and hand it to him as I peek over his shoulder and look at his amazing art. Gosh, how I wish I had gotten some of the creative art skills he had.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2015 ⏰

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