Chapter 1: Full Moon Surf Party

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Leah’s POV


I lean down to pick up the book of carpet samples I’d just knocked over while I was waiting for Zac. We were going to the Full Moon Surf Party tonight. I had only heard stories of these types of parties, but what I had heard guaranteed that it would be fun. All the kids on Cobera would come to the lower end beach to surf under the light of the full moon. Hopefully, the waves would be strong tonight so we could get a few proper runs in.  

As I stand, I see Zac approaching. He's got on swim shorts and a black t-shirt. His hair sticking up in all different directions and sunglasses are covering his blue eyes. We just started dating a few months ago, but I could already feel the relationship fizzling out. We had started dating at the beginning of the school year, falling into the pressure of our friends saying we were “just so cute together”. Personally, I never saw it. He was good-looking, with a strong jaw and clear blue eyes. His body was not to be missed either. Toned arms and a six-pack to rival Hugh Jackman’s, but that’s as far as I could go with the compliments. He was like many of the other kids on the island in that he was slightly self-absorbed and completely pretentious.

“Hey baby!” he says.

“Hey Zac. Let’s get out of here before my Dad comes out and starts asking questions.” I say as he takes my hand. I didn’t tell my Dad I was going to the Full Moon Surf Party tonight, but that Zac was actually taking me to the local drive-in movie theater. It’s not that he disapproved of Zac. If fact, I’m pretty sure he was in love with him. It was kind of disturbing really. However, my father would be less than pleased to hear that I was going to a party on the lower side beach where there would be under-aged drinking and no adult supervision. He was naïve in thinking that I was a good girl and had never mingled with the “bad kids”.

“Has your dad been bugging you again?” he asks, chuckling slightly.

“Yeah, he keeps telling me how we should just stay here and watch a movie instead of going to the drive-in. Like that’s any fun, I live life on the edge!”

“If only he knew what a badass you really are,” he says sarcastically.

“Hey! I’m a total badass!” I say, as I playfully slap his arm.

“Yeah, a badass who bakes cookies and plants flowers all day.” He scoffs.

“It’s not like I want to plant those stupid flowers everywhere. You know my dad makes me put those stupid lilies around the resort. Apparently, they give the resort “class”.” I say grumpily as we approach his car.

“Your dad is a little obsessed with lilies,” he says as he opens the door for me.

“Yeah, I don’t get what his deal is.” I mumble as I slide into his car. Of course, he decided tonight would be a good night to bring out the Audi.

Zac jogs to the other side and starts the engine. The engine coming alive with a roar. “I see you decided to be modest tonight in terms of car choice.” Zac’s parents were some of the richest people I knew. They owned several car dealerships, among other things, on the island.

“Yeah, I figured the BMW would get all scratched up when we got closer to the beach.” He says seriously.

“Of course it would.” I say sarcastically, rolling my eyes. The drive to the beach is quiet as Zac hums along with the radio and I enjoy the scenery. I smile as the paradise I call home passes by, but the smile falters slightly as we past by Sandcastle Resort.

Sandcastle Resort has been stealing business from my Dad since I could remember. I was raised to hate the Styles and everything associated with them. My father didn’t tell me why we hate them just that we do and that was the end of that.

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