Chapter 3: Rebellious

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Leah’s POV

"Where the hell are you?" I mutter to myself while digging through the pile of shoes by our front door. I had woken up this morning much better than yesterday morning as I hadn't gotten totally wasted last night at Harry's party. After our weird converstation in his bedroom, I had been conflicted with a mix of emotions. What I had seen the other night had lead me to believe that he wasn't what his reputation was. That those had just been rumors and he was genuinely a nice guy.

So when he had said he wanted to show me something, I had thought nothing of it and gone along, naively thinking that he had genuinely wanted to show me something.

However, when he proceeded to show me his history book and started asking me ridiculous questions, I realized his intentions. He was obviously trying to get me alone to do god knows what, but I'm not some easy chick that will drop her panties at one flash of his dimpled smile. Plus, it didn't help his cause that I was already dating someone. 

As I continue digging through every sort of shoe under the sun except the one I was looking for, my father walks in. Great, he’s probably coming in here to start nagging me about how I came home past curfew again last night.

“Morning Leah, did you have fun last night with Zac? How was mini-golf?”

“What?” I ask distractedly as I throw some loafers over my shoulder.

“Mine-golf, how was it? Did you win?” OH! I remember I had told my father that Zac was taking me to play a couple rounds of mini-golf at the new place that had just opened up. It was really far fetched lie and I really need to start coming up with more inventive, believable lies. It was such a stretch that my Dad actually bought it because I hate golf. I have only really played once when he had dragged me with him a couple of summers ago.

The only thing I remember was the sexy caddie my Dad had hired to accompany us all over the green. He had been bold and daring in that he had flirted with me right in front of my Dad. And the surprising part was that my Dad was so caught up in playing that he hadn't even noticed. It's too bad he was only here for the summer. He was pretty much the perfect guy, with sandy blonde hair and bright blue eyes. He was well-mannered and polite and didn't laugh at me a single time when I had missed the golf ball completely- and it happened many times. Plus, my Dad already liked him just because he played golf.

I also remember having throbbing ankles afterwards from trying to hit that damn ball. Bridgett had forced me to soak my feet in a tub of freezing ice water that night to prevent them from swelling up and that was when I swore off ever going golfing again. I'm broken out of my thoughts when my Dad clears his throat from behing me, bringing me back to reality.

“Um yeah, yeah it was good,” I say, trying to sound as casual as possible.

“You were out past your curfew, you know. That’s the third time this week.” Here we go with the nagging.

“I know but we decided to go get ice cream afterwards and I guess we just lost track of time Daddy, I'm sorry.” I say sweetly, hoping he doesn’t ground me.

“I think maybe you and Zac have been hanging out a bit too much, don’t you think so?” Ah ha! I hold up the left converse I had been looking for for the past ten minutes victoriously.

“No, I thought you liked Zac?” I ask as I stand and run a hand through my tangled hair.

“He’s alright, I just think maybe you two need to slow down. Ever since you two started seeing each other, you’re always out doing god knows what and coming home past your curfew.”

“‘God knows what?’ I told you exactly where we were Dad! And I said I was sorry didn't I? Lighten up Dad.” I say, annoyance edging into my tone. I'm starting to get really fed up with his controlling nature. I may have been "Daddy's Little Girl" when I was younger, but that didn't mean that I wanted to be treated as a little girl for the rest of my life.

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