Chapter 12: Coffee Gigs and Totally Spies

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Hey guys! Sorry for the lack of updates. College is the most stressful place on earth right about now and I want to burn the University down, who's with me? But I am trying to update as much as I can, so please don't give up on me just yet. Here's a new chapter just for y'all. <3

Leah's POV

My mouth hangs open as I watch Harry drag Liam out of the shop. We have a date tonight and I have no idea how it even happened. My feet start walking back behind the counter on their own accord and I sternly stare at Ty at the other end of the counter. He lifts an questioning eyebrow at my crossed arms and narrowed eyes before I swiftly pick up a pen and throw it at his chest.

I merely bounces off and falls to the ground.

"Hey, what the hell was that for?" He bends to pick it up and throws it at me. We both watch as it falls short from his weak throwing skills and my frowning lips quiver as I try not to laugh at his pathetic throw.

"Don't you dare." He warns. I laugh anyways before he picks up a rag and throws it at me.

"Ty!" I throw the pen and then the rag back at him but he starts throwing them right back like the child that he is. "Tyrone!"

"Ohh, full name. I'm so scared!"

"You should be."

"Quit it Leah, you're so immature."

"Like you're anymore mature!"

"What the hell is your problem Leah?"

“I can't believe you told Harry what time I get off.” I exclaim. I let the pen bounce off my shoulder and fall onto the ground as my shoulders sag and I pout. I want to go on a date with Harry, but I can't forget about that stupid warning Bridgett gave me. Don't betray. Don't betray. The damn words haven't left my mind ever since she said them and I still haven't figured out what the hell she was talking about.

I snooped around when my Dad was out the other day, but came up empty-handed. I don't know what I was supposed to be looking for or if there was anything to even look for, but there was no harm in looking. But despite shuffling through all of my Dad's business folders and digging through his secret filing cabinet, I still couldn't find anything about the Styles', which I found odd. I thought I would have at least come across some rating sheets or reports comparing our two resorts, but there was nothing of the sort anywhere to be found.

"What's so bad about that? Harry's cute." He shrugs nonchalantly and picks up the rag and pen to put them back on the counter.

"Umm...hello!" He stares back at me blankly, not understanding. "He's supposed to be my "enemy". Do you not listen to anything I bitch and moan about during those therapy sessions?"

"Of course, I listen. I'm the best therapist out there. But did you not hear what you just said?"


"You said Harry is "supposed to be" you enemy and from what I just saw nothing about you two says enemies or rivals or any of that stupid type of shit." He waves it off and walks towards to the break room. I follow him and take my regular spot on the big couch. Ty sits across from in his chair and pulls out his framed glasses. I guess we are having an impromptu therapy session since he only wears them during our bitch and moan session, claiming that they make him look "inquisitive and studious" even though I told him that inquisitive just means nosey.

"But what about my Da-"

"Forget about your Dad. You're not going to just sit around and follow all of Daddy's little orders are you?"

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