Chapter 6: Something Fishy

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Leah’s POV

It had been a week.

Seven fucking days.

And the bastard still hadn’t even tried to speak to me. I was pissed. No, I was beyond pissed. That night I had gone to bed cursing his name and woken up the same way. I had spent the first day pissed as hell and doing nothing but getting mad at even the littlest things while I was getting all my school stuff together. It sure as hell didn’t help that school was starting again tomorrow. At least it was a new semester and we had Monday off for a Staff Planning Day.

I was so mad at Zac and so mad at school for being a pain in the ass. So naturally, I started blaming Zac for things that were completely irrelevant and stupid, like the lead of my pencil breaking or papers falling out of my folder. It had nothing to do with him, but it felt better to blame it on him. When my laptop ran out of battery, it had to be Zac’s fault. When I got a parking ticket, that shit most definitely was Zac’s fault. By the end of the day, I was fuming.

Day Two was just as shitty as the one before. The registration office had messed up my schedule and made me completely miss my Statistics class and 20 minutes late for my History class. My professor’s probably think I’m some sort of slacker student now, just fucking great.

Day Three had started off a little better. My anger had simmered down and I was ready to talk to him without wanting curse him out. I had left home early so I could catch Zac before his first class started, but unfortunately his lame ass had decided to either skipping or running late. Since I knew Katie was in the same class as Zac that day, I tried to text her during my American Literature class, but apparently she forgot how to work her phone (which was highly impossible considering the thing is practically glued to her hand).

So I left school with nothing but a shit load of homework and no progress in finding Zac or Katie. Instead, I had to listen to Harry’s annoying faint singing during Business Law. Seriously, why the hell was he even in this class if he wants to be a singer? By the time I got home, I was annoyed as fuck and went straight to bed.

I had no better luck on the fourth day than I had the previous day. The only thing that had changed was instead of having to listen to Harry’s annoying singing, I had to listen to some blonde bimbo try to flirt (and fail miserably) with him.

That night I thought about the conversation that Zac and I had on the porch. I realized that maybe he was right. Maybe it had looked a little suspicious with me hanging out with Harry so much. I know that if it had been Zac that was suddenly hanging out with a new girl, I would be upset too. I was tired of being pissed and was ready to forgive him for accusing me of cheating. We still needed to discuss this whole trust issue thing, but I was ready to at least have a conversation with him that didn't involve bitch slapping the shit out of him.

But then after five days with no call, no texts, no nothing- I wasn’t ready to forgive anything. In fact, I was ready to make HIM beg for forgiveness. Like seriously, who does this kid think he is?

Harry's POV

Back to school- fucking great. It was a new semester which meant new classes. My Dad had told me I needed to take more business classes this semester and like the scared little bitch I am, I followed his directions.

After I got my schedule, I walked to the business building. I absolutely hate it in there. All the old farts walking around in their suits trying to teach me about how to run a business. I already knew how to run a business- you make the customer happy and they give you their money. It wasn't really that hard, but it wasn't what I wanted to do. I usually found myself writing song lyrics or singing quietly while the professor droned on about god knows what. Maybe that's why I'm failed all those classes last semester; I hadn't really pay attention to anything.

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