Chapter 10: Betrayal and Secrets

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Leah's POV

"What the hell were you thinking Leah?" I sigh as my Dad continues to shout. I walk into the living room behind him and plop onto the couch with a huff. He had been a ticking-time bomb the whole way home, stewing in his anger and giving me the silent treatment. However, as soon as we stepped through the door, the bomb exploded. 

"I'm sor-"

"I'll tell you! You weren't thinking!" I sigh and lean back into the cushions when he interrupts. I might as well get comfortable since he's probably going to be shouting for a while. "You just randomly decide to hang out with the son of my nemesis? And not to mention the drinking! At the mayor's house no less! Right down in his parking lot where anyone could just walk on by and see you being a drunken fool!" He throws his hands up in exasperation and looks at me expectantly. Oh! I do get a chance to speak, how shocking.

"I don't know why you're getting so upset. I was just hanging out with some friends. Plus, I'm in-"

"Friends?! You're friends with that little son of bitch?!"

"Dad!" I stand abruptly. I understand that he is upset, but that is completely unnecessary. Harry and I are both innocent in this little "war" and Harry doesn't deserve to be bad-mouthed just because of something his father has done. I close my eyes, taking a deep breath to calm myself. I wasn't going to be doing myself any favors by talking back.

"Dad, Harry is not as bad as you are making him out to be. I mean, what does he have to do with your issues with his father?" I try to reason wtih him. I had such a nice time tonight and I'll be damned if I let it be ruined by his petty issues.

I haven't felt this great since long before The Fiasco. Whenever Zac and I hung out, I constantly felt like I had to be "on". I never felt like I could just sit and be me. He was always getting onto me for being too loud or too wlid or too rebellious. I didn't realize until now, but I wasn't even myself when I was with Zac.

Tonight was the first night in so so long that there wasn't anyone breathing down my neck about every move I made. There wasn't anyone telling me to slow down on the drinks or anyone telling me that I was singing to loudly. There wasn't anyone telling me that I shouldn't be doing whatever the hell I wanted to do. There had been no "slow down" or "be quiet" only "you want another". There was no extinguishing the fun only lighting the fire.

"Everything! I've told you countless times to stay away from that whole family! They are nothing but trouble. I've told you and told you to stay on this side of the island. Hell, I even put you into homeschooling just so you didn't have to run into them!"

"But why?" I ask exasperatedly. "This whole thing is just plain stupid. You're making two innocent kids suffer because you guys have some childish "war" going on."

"Leah Malik! Just because this is something you do not understand does not mean it is stupid!" He shouts, narrowing his eyes at me. His fists are shaking with anger at his side and his face is red. He's livid, but I don't give a fuck! I'm just as pissed now. He keeps saying that it's a big deal to stay away from the Styles but never gives me any sort of reason as to why.

"Then explain it to me!" I shout right back.

"You do not yell at me, young lady!" He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath to try and calm himself, but it's no use. He's to blinded by his hatred to see straight. I know he will never understand that I don't give a care about the rivalry or if the Styles steal buisness from us. I just want to do whatever makes me happy and lately the only thing that has brought me an ounce of happiness has been hanging out with Harry.

"I do not want you talking to Harry again."

"You can't tell me who I can and cannot talk to Dad." I state firmly. I'm sick and tired of living like this. He's always trying to control who I see, where I work, what I love- it's suffocating me.

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