Chapter 4: Awkward Encounters

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Harry's POV

I awake to the feeling of someone roughly shaking my shoulder. Sliding open an eyelid to peek at what or rather who had disturbed my sleep, I saw it was just my mum standing over me. I mumble sleepily for her to leave me alone before rolling over and lifting the sheet over my shoulders. Closing my eyes in contentment, I sigh sleepily and snuggle further into the warm bed. I thought she had left when I didn't feel her shaking my shoulder anymore, however, she was back sooner than I'd have liked.

"Get up Harry!" My mum says giving me another light push.

I groan, "Mum, go away. Let me sleep."

"Harry, your father wants to see you." she hisses.

"Okay, I will be there in few minutes." I mumble sleepily, my eyes still closed trying to slip back into unconciousness. I hear her walk out of the room and wonder what my Dad could possibly want this early in the morning. I let out a deep sigh thinking about how he will probably start lecturing me about something that I'm not doing right or up to his standards. I sigh before starting to slowly drift back to sleep. Just as I was beginning to slip into a deep sleep, I felt the shock of ice cold water being poured on me, "Get your ass up now Harold!" my father's voice booms.

I jerk up, shivering as the icy cold water chills my skin. I look down and see that my sheets are soaking wet. "What the hell?!"

My dad has a smug look on his face, "Rise and shine sweetheart," he says sarcastically.

I push the wet sheet to the side and swing my long legs over the side the bed before standing up and grabbing a towel to dry myself off.

"What was that for?" I ask angirily as I swipe the soft towel over my cold skin. I look at my Dad for an explanation, but he just stands there and holds the cup that once held the ice water. Once I've dried off, I huff as I chuck the towel to the hamper and push past my father to start removing the wet sheets from my bed.

"Oh, I don't know, maybe because you failed three of your classes!" he says, his tone deep and powerful. I stop pulling the sheet from the mattress and look to him. How did he find out I failied? I didn't fail every class, only the classes that weren't of any interest or use to me. I found it pointless to learn about stuff that I would never need nor would help me in the future. I bit my tongue, however, knowing it will only get me into further trouble if I talk back, and turn back to continue to strip the bed. My Dad huffs at my lack of response before he starts to speak again.

"Harry, I donated a lot of money to that school, and for you to be slacking makes me look bad."

"So?" I replied, uninterested in the conversation I have had with him many times before. I don't care. I don't want to run this resort. I don't want to deal with whiny guests. I don't want to sit behind a desk all day and I don't want to go to boring business meetings with fat guys in suits.

I just want to be happy.

"So, you are going to get your act together or else I'm going to stop paying for those studio session  you use to record that crap you call music!" he threatens.

My face pales at his words. Music is everything to me, and he knows that. He's always fucking holding the sessions over my head, trying to scare me into doing what he wants. He's always making me feel like shit because I'm not up to his insanely high standards. He's always trying to change who I am, just because it's not who he wants me to be. I let out a sigh as I sit on the naked mattress.

I just want to leave this whole fucking island or at least get away from my control freak of a Dad. I realize that, for now, I'm going to have to follow his stupid rules. At least until I finish school and leave this damn island for good and finally pursue my real dream.

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