Chapter 2: When I Get You Alone

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Leah’s POV

I groan as the sun shines through the crack in the curtains.  My head is pounding against my skull, threatening to burst open any second now. The alcohol I drank last night was causing the room to spin, not helping the nauseating churns in my stomach.

I’m in dire need of some caffeine right now. This hangover is going to be the death of me. Literally.

I screw my eyes shut tighter trying to remember and make sense of the blurry bits and pieces of the night floating through my mind. I remember drunkenly singing cheesy campfire songs before doing a few shots to gain courage for the huge waves. I remember us stripping off, grabbing our boards, and running into the clear blue waters- the big bright moon hanging against the pitch black night sky providing us with just enough lighting. I remember the energy and force of the fierce waves making me and my board fly through the ocean. The alcohol mixed with the rush of the waves sending my nerves on a high and giving me a rush that raked throught my bones.

I remember going on a few more thrilling runs before the waves grew in size and strength and my courage shrunk. After running to the shore for more liquid courage, the night grew more hazy and I only remember patches. Zac daring me to go further and further into the deep ocean. His girlish screech when he thought he felt a shark brush against his leg (it was just Louis). My thoughts take a turn, however, as I remember our run in with Harry and his friends earlier in the night. It wasn't what I had expected, meeting the son of the man my father despised.

I had only heard rumors about Harry, but never actually met him. He went to the only high school on the island and I was home-schooled so we never had any reason to meet. I had, however, heard about his player status amongst the ladies and had expected to be met with a pompous asshole who didn't care about anything or anyone but himself and whoever he could take home that night.

However, I was pleasantly surprised when I had seen him staying by his friends' side loyally throughout the night. He gracefully avoided talking to one girl for too long, leading her to think that they would end up together for the night. I even remember him helping his friend, Nigel or something, when he was completely wasted and having difficulty walking. I remember his bright green eyes glinting under the bright light of the full moon. His wide smile with dimples set deep into his cheeks. His tattooed chest peeking through his plaid shirt. His goofy hat perched atop his mass of curls.

I shake my head to get rid of the thoughts. I can't believe I was just day dreaming about Harry Styles, resident playboy and my families "enemy". I must still be drunk. I sigh as I reach over to my nightstand and pick up my phone to call Katie, one of my friends from high school.

"You better be fucking dying," her voice grumbles over the phone. I can only imagine how she's feeling as she drunk twice as much as me and she's a super light-weight.

"I might as well be" I exaggerate, "Come get me so I can get some caffeine and don't throw up all over the place."

"Fine, but only because I need some too."

"You're such a generous giving friend," I reply sarcastically. "See you in a bit?"

"Yeah yeah, I'm coming." She mumbles dismissively. I hang up the phone and haul my tired body from the bed. Twenty minutes later, I am sitting outside my house on the steps waiting for Katie. Like always, she is late. She was even late for the party yesterday. She came 45 minutes before the party died out, but still managed to get more drunk than me. When I hear a car horn honking obnoxiously loud, I hop up and get in to the passenger seat.

“Hey, sorry for the wait. I had to finish sending my paper to Professor Greene” Katie says with an apologetic smile.

“It’s okay, let's just get going or else my head's going to explode.”

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