Chapter 1: A Memorable Encounter

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     Ruth had been planning her first solo trip to Los Angeles, California for months.  She had saved everything she could from her two jobs so she could finally afford to go.  She had originally planned to go with a group of friends for the VidCon Event, which was being held not far from L.A, but they all bailed last minute.  So, Ruth was off on her own, she had just landed in L.A, and she was pulling her suitcase behind her as she walked toward the Hotel she was going to stay in.  As she navigated the bustling streets of Los Angeles, her long skirt flowing with each step, she was marveling at the city's amazing mix of cultures and lifestyles.  Clutching her Bible close to her chest in one hand and pulling her suitcase in the other, she relished in the thoughts of exploring her new surroundings while staying true to her Christian values.  Lost in the beauty and splendor of the surroundings, Ruth rounded a corner and collided with a trio of young men engrossed in making a Tiktok.  Papers flew, and her Bible slipped from her grasp, landing with a soft thud on the pavement.  Ruth hadn't seen whom she had bumped into, but it was three well known TikTokers from Europe, and their names are Nils Kuesel, Nic Kaufmann, and Benji Krol.

     Nic, his frustration evident, was ranting about the interruption of their TikTok, while Nils shot an irritated glance toward the young woman.  Benji remained silent while his friends were fuming, his gaze fixated on the young woman scrambling to gather the papers that had fallen out of her Bible, before they blew away in the breeze, so Benji picked up a few of the pages to help her.  "Goodness gracious, I am so sorry," Ruth apologized as she fumbled while trying to collect all the fallen papers, her cheeks were flushed with embarrassment.  "It's alright," Benji said, his voice softer and less agitated than his comrades.  She latched her hand onto her fallen Bible, then she looked up as Benji extended a hand to help her up.  Their eyes met as she rose to her feet, and for a brief moment, time seemed to stand still.  Ruth's heart fluttered as she felt a strange connection to this stranger, it was a lovely and quiet moment, until Nils and Nic interrupted by clearing their throats.  Ruth hastily gathered her belongings, she apologized again to the trio before adjusting the strap on her purse, grabbing her Bible and suitcase, then turned to continue on her way toward the Hotel, eager to put the awkward moment behind her.

     As Ruth walked away, Benji watched her retreating figure with fascination and bewilderment.  "Did you guys see her eyes?" he muttered to Nic and Nils, his gaze still fixed on Ruth's form disappearing into the crowd.  Nic shook his head, a smirk playing at the corner of his lips, he then gave a snarky remark.  "Nope, you were to busy staring into them.  Looks like someone might've just found his muse," he teased, nudging Benji playfully.  Then it hit Benji, "Did you happen to catch her name?"  Nic bursted into laughter at the situation and said through his laughs, "You didn't even think to ask her name, probably cause you were to lost in her eyes."  Nils rolled his eyes, but there was a hint of amusement and sarcasm in his deep voice as he added, "Well, she definitely made an impression.  Maybe you should chase after her, Benji."  Benji's cheeks flushed pink, but he couldn't shake the feeling that their encounter was more than just a chance collision.  With a determined nod, he made a split-second decision.  "I think I will," he declared, before breaking into a jog to catch up with the young woman, so he could learn her name, he left his friends chuckling in his wake.

*Hey everyone, This is my second story that I'm sharing with y'all and my goal is to get this story done with in 25 chapters.  I'm in the progress of writing this story and it hopefully shouldn't take me more than two or three months to write it, but life can be pretty hectic.  I'm hoping to work on this story at least once or twice a week, but no promises.  Thanks for reading! - GodLover

The Girl Who Fell In Love With A TikToker - The Benji Krol StoryWhere stories live. Discover now