Chapter 15: An Answer to Prayer

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{Two weeks after Ruth tried to escape}

     Ruth spent her days at Dimitri's villa in a haze of fear and defiance.  Despite her circumstances, she held tightly to her faith, praying daily for strength and a way out.  The nights were the hardest, as she lay awake, wondering if she would ever see her family or friends again.  One afternoon, Dimitri entered her room, a big grin on his face.  "It's my birthday this coming weekend, and I'm throwing a party," he announced.  "I've invited some very important guests."  Ruth listened with disinterest, focusing on keeping her composure.  Dimitri's lavish parties meant more people, more eyes, and possibly a chance for her to slip out and runaway.  Dimitri's phone buzzed with messages as he worked through his guest list.  Among the invites he sent were some to famous influencers, social media stars, and musicians.  Meanwhile, in Rome, Benji, Nic, and Nils had been tirelessly searching for Ruth for the whole time since they first arrived in Italy.  The police had suggested she might be dead, but Benji refused to believe it or give up.  Their quest had led them down countless dead ends, and they were beginning to lose hope of ever seeing her again.  One evening, Benji, Nic, and Nils received messages through Instagram.  It was an invitation to Dimitri's birthday party.  They had crossed paths with Dimitri before, and while they weren't exactly friends.  "Dimitri?  Why is he inviting us to his villa for a party?" Nils wondered aloud as they read their invites.  "It doesn't matter," Nic said, determination in his voice.  "This is the first thing we've had in months that might take our minds off of how hard we've searched for Ruth.  We should go."  Benji nodded before agreeing.  "He's right.  We shouldn't pass this up.  Even if it's just to relax for a bit."  They all decided that the party would be a good distraction, giving them a much-needed break from their relentless search while also providing an opportunity to gather information.

{At the villa before the party} 

     Ruth sat in front of the large vanity mirror as the maids fussed over her nails, hair and makeup.  The room was filled with the soft hum of conversation and the occasional clinking of makeup brushes against their containers.  She stared at her reflection, barely recognizing the woman who looked back at her.  The transformation was superficial, masking the turmoil and fear that churned within her.  She was wearing a black dress with a leopard scarf belt, expensive shoes and jewelry (ignore the clutch purse).

  She was wearing a black dress with a leopard scarf belt, expensive shoes and jewelry (ignore the clutch purse)

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  Dimitri stood nearby, his eyes never leaving Ruth as the maids worked.  He watched with a mixture of possessive pride and calculated scrutiny.  Ruth could feel his gaze, heavy and oppressive, as if he were claiming ownership of every part of her.  "You look lovely tonight, Ruth," Dimitri said, breaking the silence.  His voice was smooth, but there was an edge to it that made Ruth's skin crawl.  "Thank you," she replied curtly, not meeting his eyes.  She had learned to keep her responses brief and emotionless, a small way to resist his control.  Dimitri snapped his fingers at the maids.  "Leave us.  I want to speak with her alone."  The maids hurried out of the room, their heads down, leaving Ruth and Dimitri in tense silence.  Dimitri moved closer, his eyes narrowing.  "Are you excited for the party?  There will be many important guests."  "I'm sure it will be quite the event," Ruth said, her voice steady despite the anxiety bubbling inside her.  Dimitri smirked.  "Indeed.  I expect you to be on your best behavior.  After all, you wouldn't want to embarrass me, would you?"  Ruth's jaw clenched, but she forced herself to remain calm.  "Of course not."  He leaned in closer, his breath warm against her ear.  "Remember, Ruth, I can be very generous to those who please me.  But cross me, and you will regret it."  He circled her slowly, like a predator assessing its prey.  "I trust you understand your position here, Ruth," he said, his voice dangerously low.  "I have given you much more freedom than most women before you, but that can change in an instant."  Ruth met his gaze in the mirror, her eyes filled with a defiance she couldn't completely hide.  "I understand."  Dimitri's hand shot out, gripping her chin and forcing her to look directly at him in his ocean blue eyes.  "Do you?  Do you really understand what could happen if you don't behave?"  Ruth's heart pounded, but she refused to show fear.  "Yes."  "Good," he said, releasing her abruptly.  "Because if you try anything, anything at all, you will regret it deeply."  With that, he turned and walked out of the room, leaving Ruth to gather herself.  She took a deep breath, her mind racing with thoughts of escape and survival.  She knew she had to be careful, but she also knew she couldn't give up hope.  Tonight could be her chance, and she had to be ready for whatever came next.

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