Chapter 10: Stolen Freedom

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     Before the raid took place, the auction was in full swing and some girls had already been sold to rich people to be used as servants in their households.  Ruth was one of those that was sold.  She was taken by two rich brothers from Dubai, who had purchased her for their estate.  The brothers were smooth and sophisticated, their wealth evident in every aspect of their demeanor.  Ruth was forced into a private jet, her heart pounding with fear and uncertainty.  She glanced back at the warehouse one last time, hoping that Benji would somehow find her.  Back at the warehouse, right after the police had finished their raid, Benji was filled with a renewed sense of urgency.  "Where is Ruth?" he demanded from one of the captured traffickers.  The man sneered, "You mean that loud mouth brunette in the skirt?  She's already been sold.  She's long gone by now."  Desperation clawed at Benji's heart as he realized the gravity of the situation.  He couldn't give up, he had to find her, no matter what it took.  Benji, Nic, and Nils continued to work with the police, they helped in trying to get details about Ruth's sale and her likely destination.  The authorities promised to coordinate with international agencies, Benji knew this wouldn't be enough, but he had hope they would find her.

     Meanwhile, Ruth was flown to Dubai, where she was taken to a luxurious estate.  The brothers, Amir and Karim, introduced her to her new life with a mixture of charm and threat.  "Behave, and you'll find life here comfortable," Amir said smoothly.  Ruth's mind raced as she tried to stay calm.  She knew she needed to bide her time and find a way to escape.  Her thoughts constantly drifted back to Benji, hoping he would find a way to rescue her.  She knew that somehow, God had his hand on her, protecting her.  Ruth's days in Dubai were a blur of opulence and terror.  The estate where Amir and Karim held her was a gilded cage, the lavish surroundings doing little to mask the reality of her captivity.  Despite her outward compliance, Ruth's mind constantly worked on escape plans, each thwarted by the ever-watchful eyes of her captors.  One evening, the brothers summoned Ruth to a grand room adorned with intricate gold details and plush furniture.  The air was thick with tension as Amir spoke, his tone deceptively calm.  "We have a new arrangement," he said, his eyes gleaming with a mixture of greed and calculation.  "You're being transferred."  Before Ruth could fully grasp his words, she was escorted out of the estate and onto another private jet.  This time, her destination was even more uncertain.  Fear began to gnaw at her as the plane ascended into the dark sky.  She prayed to God, that he would keep her safe and he would keep her strong.  She never gave up hope that Benji was out there searching for her, and she knew God would give her the strength to endure.  Back in Los Angeles, Benji was relentless.  The police gathered all the information they could about the brothers from Dubai and they began to plan their next move.  Benji vowed, in his heart, that he would find her and bring her back safely.  His determination was unwavering.  However, they all had no way of knowing the brothers were going to or had sold Ruth to someone else.

     The jet landed in Russia, where she was met by a man whose presence sent chills down her spine.  Boris, a wealthy and ruthless businessman, wasted no time in asserting his control.  His estate was cold and imposing, a stark contrast to the warmth of Dubai.  Days turned into weeks as Ruth endured Boris's oppressive rule.  Just as she began to acclimate to her new environment, she was sold again.  The police had just been in contact with the authorities in Dubai and had Benji, Nic and Nils sit down to discuss Ruth's whereabouts.  The police chief began, "Mr. Krol, Mr. Kauffmann, and Mr. Kuesel, we've been in contact with the police in Dubai."  Benji interrupted, his voice sounding desperate and tired, "Have they found her?"  Nic calmed him and they continued to listen to the chief.  "They have told us that they paid a visit to the brothers who had bought your friend, Ruth."  Nils interrupted this time, "Did they find anything?"  The chief continued, "They found out from the brothers' assistant that they sold Ruth to someone else.  At least we know she's still alive, but where she was transported, we have no new information as to where she is now."  Benji's eyes dropped, he was glad to hear that Ruth was alive, but he wanted to know where she was now.  All he wanted to do was be there for her, but he couldn't even help her when she was being abducted.  He still had some hope that the police would find her.  By now, Ruth was used to the unending pattern of being traded from one captor to the next, it became her grim reality.  Each new location brought its own horrors and challenges.  In France, she was held by a tycoon who reveled in her misery, using her as a bargaining chip in his corrupt dealings.  In Turkey, she was kept by a politician who saw her as nothing more than a status symbol.  The cycle of sales and transfers continued, each new owner more monstrous than the last.

     At this point, Ruth could hardly remember what country she was in, and the authorities worked tirelessly, coordinating with agencies across the globe to find her.  But Ruth's captors were always one step ahead, their network vast and impenetrable.  Ruth's faith and spirit, however, remained unbroken.  Each new captivity tested her resolve, but she never lost hope.  She held onto the belief that Benji was out there, searching for her and that God would help him find her.  This hope fueled her strength, giving her the courage to endure the seemingly endless nightmare.  At times, Ruth wanted to give up hope and succumb to the enemy, but a song played over and over in her head.  It was a reminder that she was a 'Warrior' and she hadn't even begun to fight back yet.  However, back in California, after weeks of fruitless searching, and no further leads, the police approached Benji with a grim outlook.  "Mr. Krol, the chances of finding your friend, Ruth, alive are slim," one officer said gently.  "Human trafficking cases like this often end tragically.  We need you to prepare for the worst."  Benji's heart shattered at their words, but he refused to accept it.  "No," he said fiercely.  "She's alive.  I know it.  Please, don't stop until you find her."  When the police decided to mark Ruth's case as a cold case, Benji's resolve only grew stronger.  He knew that giving up wasn't an option.  Ruth needed him, and he wouldn't let her down.  In a remote estate in Romania, Ruth found herself in the clutches of yet another captor.  The constant relocation took its toll on her physically and emotionally, but her determination to survive never wavered.  She made mental notes of her surroundings, memorizing escape routes, waiting for the perfect moment.  One night, as Ruth lay on the cold floor of her latest prison, she whispered to herself, "Hold on, Ruth.  God will help guide Benji to you.  Just hold on."  Thousands of miles away, Benji felt the same determination.  His heart ached with the thought of Ruth suffering alone, but he knew he had to stay strong.  The bond they shared was his guiding light, and he vowed not to rest until she was safe in his arms again.  Ruth felt the dark web of the kidnapping had ensnared her in its cruel grasp, but she was not alone.  The strength of God in her and the unwavering love of those searching for her formed a lifeline, one that would eventually lead her out of this darkness.

*Hey everyone, Hope you enjoyed part 2.  I'm not sure exactly how the rest of the story is gonna turn out, but it will be interesting.  Will Ruth get back to Benji soon?  Or will she be abducted for longer?  Thanks for reading! - GodLover

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