Chapter 3: A Second Glance

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   With the children settled and the lobby once again filled with a sense of tranquility, Ruth made her way to the front desk to check herself into the hotel.  Her heart still warmed by the interaction with the children, she couldn't help but feel grateful for the chance to spread the gospel to the children and their parents.  As she approached the front desk, Ruth exchanged pleasantries with the receptionist before reaching into her bag to retrieve her identification.  With her check-in complete, Ruth breathed a sigh of relief, grateful to have her room key card in hand as she walked toward the elevators.  But as she walked into an elevator, she couldn't shake the feeling of being watched.  Unbeknownst to her, Nic, Nils, and Benji had heard the floor she was staying on, and they discovered they were going to the same floor.  As Ruth reached her hotel room door, she paused for a moment, feeling a sense of relief wash over her.  She swiped her key card over the lock, before stepping into her room and closing the door behind her.  She hadn't noticed the trio walking down the hall, they were looking for their room, when Nic, Nils, and Benji realized they were conveniently situated in the room right next door to her room.  With silent nods, they made their way into their own room, anticipation humming in the air as they wondered what the evening might hold.  As the night wore on, Ruth settled into her room, unpacking her belongings and preparing for a restful night's sleep.  Meanwhile, Nic, Nils, and Benji found themselves drawn to the balcony of their room, the twinkling lights of the city spread out before them like a sea of stars.  Hours passed in comfortable companionship as they chatted and laughed, the night alive with the promise of adventure.  Ruth sat by her window, gazing out at the city below as she reflected on the day's events.  And as she watched the stars twinkle in the night sky, her thoughts drifted back to the fleeting glance she had shared with Benji earlier that day, igniting a spark of curiosity deep within her.  As the clock was ticking and the hours continued to tick by, Nic and Nils knew it was time to bid the city goodnight and go to sleep.  Benji wanted to stay out on the balcony for a while longer.  With a final round of goodnights, Nic and Nils made their way back inside, their thoughts lingering on the events of the day.  And as they closed the door behind them, they couldn't shake the feeling of anticipation that hung in the air, a sense that something extraordinary was about to unfold.

     Benji looked out over the city, as his thoughts began to drift, he heard a door open.  He looked over to the balcony of the room beside him, there stood Ruth.  She looked up at the sky, thinking of the wonderful experiences she might have at VidCon the next day.  Little did she know, Benji was standing on the balcony directly next to hers.  She looked on at the stars in awe, as she let herself daydream.  Benji could hardly stay silent any longer.  "Sorry for intruding on your quiet time," he began, his words faltering slightly as he struggled to find the right way to voice his thoughts.  Ruth's eyes widened in surprise, a blush creeping onto her cheeks at the realization that she hadn't noticed him until he spoke.  Before she could respond, Benji spoke up again, his voice soft but determined.  "I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable earlier today," he said, his eyes locked with hers in a silent plea.  He had a feeling that their paths were destined to cross once again, their eyes meeting and locking for a sweet second glance.  "I had forgot to ask you about your name earlier, and I was wondering if you'd tell me it now?"  Ruth's initial apprehension in speaking began to melt away as she regarded the sincerity in Benji's eyes.  With a small nod, she turned back to look up at the stars as she answered him, "My name's Ruth."  Her voice just loud enough for him to hear, and to Benji, her voice was melodious.  He smiled, then looked up at the sky also.  He replied to her, "That's a beautiful name.  Mine's Benji."  Ruth smiled at him and asked, "Is Benji short for Benjamin?"  He nodded and they continued to talk a bit.  Ruth had found out Benji, Nic, and Nils were going to VidCon too.  Ruth said to Benji, "I think I should go get some sleep, since I have a long day tomorrow."  Benji agreed and asked, "Would you want to meet up to walk around VidCon with my friends and I tomorrow?"  Ruth agreed to walk around with Nils, Nic, and Benji the next day.  Benji watched as she disappeared behind the wall, then he heard her door open and close, and Benji made his way inside his room to go to sleep.  They both climbed in their beds, and their minds were locked on the events to come the next day.  Ruth couldn't shake the feeling that their continuous encounters were just the beginning of something extraordinary.

*Hey everybody, I wrote this up when I had time, and I'm not sure when I'll be able to write again due to work.  Thanks so much for reading! - GodLover

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