Chapter 11: The Escape Plan

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{Months after the initial abduction}

     Ruth's days in Romania, were filled with a numbing routine of servitude and fear.  Her captor, a cold-hearted man named Ivan,his men kept a close watch on her and the other young woman, ensuring that any thoughts of escape were met with harsh punishment.  Despite this, Ruth's spirit remained unbroken.  She was determined to find a way out, to reclaim her freedom.  Each day, she meticulously observed her surroundings, noting the guards' schedules, the layout of the estate, and any potential escape routes.  She befriended some of the other girls, forming a silent alliance of hope and resilience.  They shared plans and dreams of freedom in the dead of night, their camaraderie a small light in the darkness of their captivity.  In those quiet moments, Ruth often found herself turning to prayer.  Her faith in God was her anchor, giving her strength to endure and the courage to keep hoping.  She shared Bible verses with the others, offering them the same comfort and hope she found in her faith.  "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight," Ruth whispered one night, quoting Proverbs 3:5-6.  The words brought a flicker of peace to their troubled hearts.  One night, Ruth decided it was time to put her plan into motion.  She had carefully chosen a night when the guards were typically more relaxed, their vigilance dulled by routine.  She had managed to hide a few essential items—a small knife, a piece of wire, and some food—under a loose floorboard in her cramped room.

     As the moon rose high in the sky, casting an eerie glow over the estate, Ruth made her move.  She waited until the guards completed their rounds, then quietly pried open the floorboard and retrieved her makeshift tools.  Her heart pounded with a mix of fear and determination as she picked the lock on her door, her fingers trembling slightly.  "Lord, give me strength," she prayed softly, her voice barely audible.  The lock clicked open, and Ruth slipped into the hallway, moving swiftly and silently.  She made her way to the back of the estate, where a small, rarely used gate led to the dense forest beyond.  She picked the gate's lock with the piece of wire, her breath coming in short, anxious bursts.  "Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me," Ruth murmured, drawing strength from Psalm 23:4 as she pushed the gate open and darted into the forest.  Ruth pushed the gate open and darted into the forest, her heart racing with the thrill of freedom. She ran for what felt like hours, navigating the thick underbrush and uneven terrain. The forest was dark and disorienting, but Ruth pressed on, driven by the hope of escaping her nightmare.  After about two to three hours, her luck ran out. Ruth heard the distant barking of dogs and the shouts of men.  Her captors had discovered her absence and were hot on her trail.  She pushed herself harder, her legs burning with exhaustion, but the sounds grew closer and closer.  "God, please help me," she whispered, desperation creeping into her voice.

    Fear clawed at her as she tried to evade capture, but it was no use.  The guards caught up with her, tackling her to the ground and roughly restraining her.  Ruth fought with all her remaining strength, but it was futile.  They dragged her back to the estate, her spirit crushed but not broken.  Back in captivity, Ruth faced harsh punishment for her escape attempt.  Ivan made an example of her, warning the other girls of the consequences of defiance.  But even as Ruth endured the brutal treatment, she clung to her faith, knowing that God was with her.  "Even in the darkest times, God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble," she reminded herself, recalling Psalm 46:1.  In the aftermath of her failed escape, Ruth was deemed too troublesome to keep.  Ivan arranged for her to be sold again, this time to a buyer in Scotland.  She was transported under tight security, her body bruised but her resolve unshaken.  "Lord, guide my steps and protect me," Ruth prayed as she was taken to the plane, her faith unwavering.  In Scotland, Ruth found herself in the hands of a wealthy but cruel man named Alistair.  His estate was sprawling and luxurious, but to Ruth, it was just another prison.  Alistair viewed his captives as little more than property, treating them with a cold, detached cruelty.  Despite the setbacks, Ruth's spirit remained indomitable.  She knew that each new location, each new captor, brought her closer to finding a way out.  She resolved to continue observing, planning, and fighting for her freedom, no matter how long it took.  "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go," Ruth repeated Joshua 1:9 to herself, stealing her resolve.

     Back in California, Benji never gave up hope.  He worked tirelessly with international agencies, following every lead and clue in the search for Ruth.  His determination never wavered, and he knew that no matter how tangled their paths became, he would find her.  As Ruth settled into her new surroundings in Scotland, she continued to hold on to the belief that Benji was out there, searching for her.  The bond they shared gave her strength, and she vowed to keep fighting until they were reunited.  The road ahead was fraught with danger and uncertainty, but Ruth knew that as long as she had faith in God, she had a chance.

*Hey Everyone, Ruth is going to be captured for a while longer...Will she and Benji ever be reunited?  Keep Reading to find out.  Thanks for reading! - GodLover

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