Chapter 12: The Undercover Mission

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{Six Months after Ruth's Abduction}

     Ruth's new life in Scotland under Alistair's control was a cold and isolating existence.  Despite the luxury that surrounded her, Ruth felt the weight of captivity heavier than ever.  Alistair, seeing Ruth's spirit and beauty, he decided to maximize his profit by selling her at an exclusive auction known for its high-stakes and high-profile buyers.   Across the continent, Benji, Nic, and Nils had returned to their apartment in Germany, but their thoughts remained consumed with Ruth's fate.  Benji couldn't smile the way he used to before he met and when he was with Ruth.  One evening, as Benji sat poring over maps and information provided by international agencies, a call came in from the German police.  "We have intel about a high-profile auction happening in Madrid," the officer said.  "We've reason to believe that Ruth might be among those being sold."  Upon hearing those words, Benji's heart skipped a beat.  "Thank you for the information.  Do whatever it takes to find her."  Nic and Nils entered the room, sensing the urgency in Benji's voice.  After a brief discussion, they all agreed: they would go undercover at the auction in Madrid.  It was risky, but it might be their only chance to rescue Ruth.  The police agreed to supply fake ids and they agreed to get in touch with the International agencies to be on the lookout for Ruth.  They also told the other agencies to keep everyone up to date on any and all new information.

     Over the next few days, the trio prepared meticulously.  They needed to blend in with the elite clientele expected at the auction, so they acquired the fake ids provided by the authorities and booked their flight to Madrid.  Benji couldn't shake the anxiety gnawing at him, but his determination to save Ruth gave him strength.  The night before they were set to leave, Benji took a moment to himself, praying for the first time in his life.  "God, I've never asked you for anything before, mainly because I don't know if you're real, but I'm asking anyway.  Please keep Ruth safe and guide us to her," he whispered.  The journey to Madrid was tense.  The three friends barely spoke, each lost in their thoughts and the gravity of what they were about to undertake.  Upon arrival, they checked into the lavish Hotel, maintaining their cover as wealthy potential buyers.  The auction was held in a secluded, spacious room in the basement of the Hotel.  The atmosphere was thick with tension and anticipation.  Benji, Nic, and Nils mingled with the crowd, their eyes scanning the room for any sign of Ruth.  The auctioneer, a slick, confident man, took the stage, and the bidding began.  As the evening wore on, Benji's anxiety grew.  There had been no sign of Ruth.  Just when he began to lose hope, the auctioneer announced the next item, describing her as a rare and valuable acquisition.  Benji's heart pounded as Ruth was brought onto the stage, her eyes filled with fear but still radiating strength.  "We'll start the bidding at one thousand euros," the auctioneer declared.  Benji forced himself to stay calm.  He couldn't afford to act rashly.  Nic and Nils nodded subtly, indicating they were ready.  The bidding began, and the price quickly escalated.  Benji made calculated bids, trying to stay within their limit while keeping Ruth in sight.  When the bidding reached a fever pitch, a man in the back made an exorbitant bid, far beyond what they could match.  Benji's heart sank.  They needed a new plan.

     As the auction concluded and the buyers moved to finalize their purchases, Benji, Nic, and Nils followed the high bidder, a wealthy businessman named Dimitri, keeping a careful distance.  Dimitri led Ruth to a private car, guarded by two imposing security personnel, and they were whisked away to a nearby private airstrip.  "He's taking her on a plane," Nic whispered urgently.  "We need to find out where they're going," Benji said, his voice tinged with desperation.  Using their contacts and quick thinking, they managed to bribe an airstrip worker who provided them with the flight destination.  The plane was headed to Italy.  "We need to tell the authorities about this, and fast," Nils said.  The trio quickly arranged to go to the German Police and tell them about Ruth being bought and going to Italy.  Their hearts were heavy with anxiety but bolstered by their determination to get her back.  Meanwhile, on Dimitri's private jet, Ruth sat quietly, her mind racing.  She prayed for strength and protection, knowing that God was with her even in this terrifying situation.  "I will not fear, for You are with me," she whispered, clinging to her faith.  Dimitri, noticing her silence, decided to engage her in conversation.  "You know, you're quite different from the other girls I've seen and bought at these auctions," he said, leaning back in his seat with a confident smirk.  Ruth looked up, meeting his gaze with a calm strength.  "How so?"  "You have a certain... presence," Dimitri said, his eyes narrowing slightly as he studied her.  "Tell me, what keeps you so composed?"  Ruth took a deep breath, feeling a surge of courage.  "My faith in God," she replied simply.  "It's what gives me strength, even in the darkest times."  Dimitri raised an eyebrow, intrigued.  "Faith? In a situation like this?"  "Especially in a situation like this," Ruth said firmly.  "God is my protector and my guide.  No matter what happens, I trust in His plan for me."  Dimitri chuckled softly, though there was a hint of respect for her in his eyes.  "You're an interesting one, I'll give you that.  But faith won't get you far in this world, my dear."  "Faith has gotten me through more than you can imagine," Ruth said, her voice unwavering.  "And it will continue to do so."

     The rest of the flight passed in silence, Dimitri occasionally glancing at Ruth with a mixture of curiosity and disbelief at how such a young woman could have so much courage to speak her mind and heart as she did.  The flight to Italy felt endless, but Ruth remained unshaken.  She knew Benji and her friends were out there, searching for her.  As the plane descended, she silently prayed for a miracle.  In Italy, Dimitri and Ruth were escorted into a waiting car.  Meanwhile, the flight Benji, Nic, and Nils were on had not yet reached the airport.  Benji was very anxious while on the flight to Italy.  The plane landed and everyone evacuated the plane.  Luckily Benji, Nic, and Nils were in first class, so they exited earlier than everyone else did.  "We need to find them," Benji said, his voice urgent.  They went to the information desk and asked if there was a private airport nearby.  The clerk pointed them in the right direction.  They had contacted the Italian Police before they arrived so they could get information on Dimitri's whereabouts.  Nic quickly rented a car and they began to look for Dimitri's vehicle and residence through the winding streets of Rome.  The drive to the villa was long and winding, the Italian countryside passing by in a blur.  Ruth kept her gaze fixed out the window, silently praying for strength and protection.  When they finally arrived at the grand villa, Dimitri opened the car door for Ruth and offered his hand.  She hesitated but took it, knowing she had little choice.  "Welcome to your new home," Dimitri said with a smile as they walked up the marble steps to the front door.  Ruth glanced around, taking in the opulence and grandeur of the place. "It's... impressive," she said cautiously.  Dimitri chuckled. "Impressive is an understatement.  Come, let me show you around."  He led her through the sprawling estate, pointing out various rooms and their purposes.

     As they walked, Dimitri kept up a steady stream of conversation, his tone light and almost charming.  But Ruth couldn't shake the feeling of being trapped.  "This is the dining room," Dimitri said, gesturing to a room with a long, polished table.  "We'll have our meals here. I hope you enjoy fine dining."  Ruth nodded, trying to keep her emotions in check.  "It looks lovely."  They continued through the villa until they reached a room at the far end of the house.  Dimitri opened the door and ushered Ruth inside.  The room was tastefully decorated, with a large window overlooking the gardens.  "This will be your room," Dimitri said, watching her reaction closely.  Ruth looked around, noting the luxurious furnishings.  "Thank you," she said quietly.  Ruth was standing in the doorway and Dimitri leaned against the doorframe, his height making him tower above her.  He lifted her chin so she was looking at him, his eyes never leaving hers.  "I didn't buy you just for your beauty, you know," he said, his tone shifting slightly.  Ruth turned to face him, her heart pounding. "Then why did you buy me?"  Dimitri smiled, a hint of something darker in his eyes.  "Because I saw something in you that I don't see in others.  Strength.  Resilience.  And, perhaps, a challenge."  Ruth met his gaze steadily.  "I'm not here to entertain you or to be your challenge."  Dimitri's smile widened.  "Oh, but you will be entertaining, Ruth.  In more ways than you can imagine.  Your faith, your spirit, your courage and your eyes... They intrigue me.  And I intend to explore them."  Ruth felt a surge of defiance and a wave of disgust toward him.  "You can try, but you won't break me.  My faith in God is stronger than anything you can throw at me."  Dimitri's eyes flashed with amusement.  "We shall see, Ruth.  We shall see."  He let her head fall from his stare as he left the room, closing the door behind him.  Ruth sank onto the bed, her mind racing.  She knew she had to stay strong, no matter what.  "God, give me strength," she whispered, her resolve hardening.  Ruth had no idea what Dimitri had in mind to do to or with her, but she would find a way out of this, and she would never lose her faith.

*Hey everyone,  This Chapter is a bit long.  I really don't know how long it will take to get this story completely finished.  I am hoping to get it done by August, but I have different events coming up.  Thank you for reading! - GodLover

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