Chapter 14: Strength in Faith

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{Ruth's time with Dimitri}

     Ruth's days with Dimitri were a strange mix of tension and unexpected luxury.  Dimitri seemed determined to win her over, showering her with gifts that ranged from designer clothes to exquisite jewelry.  Ruth accepted them with a polite smile, her mind constantly working on a plan to escape.  One bright morning, Dimitri announced they would be going horseback riding.  Ruth was surprised but agreed, seeing it as another opportunity to learn more about her captor and perhaps find a way to gain his trust.  As they rode through the sprawling countryside surrounding the villa, Dimitri kept the conversation light, sharing stories of his travels and his love for horses.  Ruth listened, responding just enough to keep him talking.  She had to admit, the scenery was breathtaking, and for a brief moment, she felt a sense of normalcy.  As their ride continued, Dimitri asked, "Do you like it here?"  Ruth looked around, choosing her words carefully.  "It's beautiful, yes.  But it doesn't change my situation."  Dimitri smiled, though there was a hint of frustration in his eyes.  "I know you're not here by choice, Ruth.  But I'm hoping you'll come to see that life here can be good.  I can give you anything you want."  Ruth met his gaze, her expression firm.  "What I want is my freedom, Dimitri.  No amount of gifts or luxury can change that."  He sighed and looked up at the sky as they rode through the trees headed back toward the villa.  "You have a strong spirit.  I admire that about you.  I also find it challenging, but I love a good challenge."  Ruth didn't respond, her mind already working on her next move.  She knew she had to stay sharp, to keep Dimitri off balance while she looked for an opportunity to escape.

     After their ride, they returned to the villa and Dimitri suggested they relax in the garden.  Ruth agreed, following him to a secluded area filled with blooming flowers and the soothing sound of a nearby fountain.  They settled onto a bench, the warm sunlight casting a gentle glow over everything.  As they sat, Dimitri continued to talk, sharing more about his life and his ambitions.  Ruth listened, always searching for a crack in his façade, a way to turn the situation to her advantage.  She prayed silently for strength and guidance, knowing that her faith and determination would be her greatest allies in this fight for freedom.  Their conversation continued and it turned more personal.  Dimitri shared tales of his lavish lifestyle, the endless parties, and the power he wielded in his circles.  Ruth listened, responding with stories of her life in Ohio, her simple joys, her faith, and her strong community bonds.  "I can't imagine living such a grounded life," Dimitri said, a hint of genuine curiosity in his voice.  "Don't you ever"  Ruth shook her head.  "No, not at all.  I find freedom in my faith and my community.  It's about being part of something bigger than yourself."  Dimitri leaned closer, his eyes narrowing slightly.  "I think you would enjoy more freedom if you allowed yourself to indulge a little.  To let go of these constraints you've put on yourself."  Ruth's expression hardened.  "My faith isn't a constraint, Dimitri.  It's my strength."  Dimitri reached out, brushing a strand of hair from her face.  "Maybe you could find strength in other things too.  In me."  The shift in his tone and the intensity in his eyes made Ruth uneasy.  She didn't like the way he touched her, it disgusted her to no end.  If it had been Benji, she would have smiled and leaned into his hand on her cheek, but Dimitri was nothing like Benji.  She subtly leaned away, but Dimitri moved closer, his hand lingering on her cheek.  "You don't have to be alone, Ruth.  I can take care of you and show you a different kind of life."  Ruth's pulse quickened, and she could feel the boundaries she had set being pushed.  "I don't need that kind of life," she said firmly.  Dimitri's hand slid down to her shoulder, his grip tightening.  "But you might want it.  Just give it a chance."  Ruth's heart raced as she realized Dimitri's intentions were no longer just about persuasion.  She saw the determination in his eyes, the way he was trying to overpower her will.  Summoning her courage, she reacted swiftly.  She slapped him hard across the face, the sound echoing in the quiet garden.  Dimitri's eyes widened in shock, and for a moment, he was stunned.

     Ruth didn't waste any time.  She sprang to her feet and ran, her heart pounding.  She dashed through the garden, the flowers and foliage blurring past her as she headed toward the villa.  She had to find a way to escape, to get out of Dimitri's grasp before it was too late.  Behind her, she heard Dimitri shouting, but she didn't look back.  She pushed herself harder, praying for the strength to keep going and for a miracle to help her find freedom.  She reached the edge of the garden and bolted through the villa's grounds, desperately searching for an exit.  She spotted the gates and sprinted towards them, but just before she reached them, strong hands grabbed her from behind.  "No!" Ruth screamed, struggling against Dimitri's grip around her waist.  She managed to break free and kept running, her lungs burning with the effort.  She could hear Dimitri's footsteps pounding after her, getting closer.  In a final desperate burst of speed, Ruth saw a gap in the fence and veered towards it.  But she wasn't able to reach it, Dimitri tackled her, both of them crashing to the ground.  He landed on top of her, pinning her down to the ground.

     "Get off me!" Ruth yelled, trying to push him away.  Dimitri's face was inches from hers, his breath hot against her skin.  "You can't escape me, Ruth," he said, his voice low and dangerous.  With a surge of adrenaline, Ruth slapped him again, even harder than before.  The force of the blow hit him like a bee sting, and she wriggled free, scrambling to her feet.  She ran again, but this time, Dimitri was way faster than he had been previously.  He caught her by the arm and yanked her back, his grip like iron.  "Enough!" he shouted, pulling her towards the villa.  Ruth fought every step of the way, her heart filled with defiance.  "I don't belong to anyone but God," she spat, her voice strong despite her fear.  Dimitri tightened his grip, his expression hardening.  "We'll see about that."  Dimitri dragged her back into her room and he locked the door.  Ruth banged on the door, but to no avail.  She felt the weight of despair pressing down on her, but even in the darkness, she clung to her faith.  She prayed for strength and courage, knowing that her belief and bravery would be her greatest allies in this fight for freedom.  Ruth had no doubt that God would provide a way to get her and Benji back together.

*Hey everyone, I'm so excited for the upcoming reunion of Ruth and Benji.  When will it happen?  Will it be in the next chapter or in five chapters?  Only way to find out...keep reading.  Thanks for reading! - GodLover

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