Chapter 16: Hearts United

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   The car sped through the night, the tension slowly easing as the city lights blurred past the windows.  Benji couldn't take his eyes off Ruth, Nic and Nils were very happy, and they each were processing the miracle of having her back with them.  "Ruth," Nils said gently, breaking the silence.  "How have you been holding up?  We were all really worried about you."  Ruth took a deep breath, her hands trembling slightly.  "It's been...hard.  I've been moved around so much.  I never knew for sure where I was or what was going to happen from one minute to the next."  Nic turned in his seat to face her, his eyes filled with concern.  "Did any of them ever hurt you?"  Ruth shook her head slowly.  "Not physically.  But the fear, the was unbearable.  I prayed, over and over again, hoping that God would bring me out of it."  "And He did," Benji said softly.  "You're safe now.  We're here, and we're not going to let anything happen to you."  Further conversation ceased until they arrived at their hotel, where they took Ruth inside, and lead her to their room.  It was a modest place, but it felt like a sanctuary compared to where Ruth had been.  Once inside, they all settled into the small living area, the weight of the past months pressing heavily on them.  Ruth began, "After I was taken, I was so scared.  Every time I was sold, I thought it might be the end.  I kept praying for strength, for you guys to find me, and for a way out."  Benji sat down beside her, his hand gently covering hers as he held it.  "We never stopped looking for you, Ruth.  We couldn't give up.  You're too important to us."  Ruth's eyes filled with tears as she looked at Benji, Nic, and Nils.  "I never stopped believing that you would find me.  Even when things were at their darkest, I knew I had to hold on to that hope."

     Nic leaned forward, his voice filled with emotion.  "Tell us everything, Ruth.  We want to know what you went through while being in the different countries and your different 'owners'."  Ruth nodded, taking a deep breath before recounting the horrors of her captivity.  She spoke of the different places she had been, the people who had bought and sold her, and the constant fear that had overshadowed her every moment.  She also spoke of the small acts of kindness she had encountered, and how she had clung to her faith in God to get through each day.  Benji, Nic, and Nils listened intently, their hearts breaking with every word.  They could see the strength in Ruth's eyes, the resilience that had carried her through the darkest times.  As the night wore on, the conversation shifted from the past to the future.  They spoke of plans to help Ruth get back to the US, to make sure she felt safe and supported as she rebuilt her life.  They knew the road ahead would be difficult, but they were united in their determination to help her get back to living.  It had been months since Ruth had felt a this sense of serenity.  Surrounded by friends who cared about her, she knew that she could face whatever challenges lay ahead.  Together, they would overcome the shadows of the past and step into the future.  In the quietness of her heart, Ruth whispered a prayer to her heavenly Father, her mind finally processing the peace she felt.  

     As the hours ticked by, Nic and Nils finally succumbed to their drowsiness, heading to their rooms to get some much needed sleep.  Benji stayed up, making a small bed on the couch for Ruth and waited as she finished changing in the bathroom.  They didn't have any of her clothes with them, so he had given her one of his shirts and a pair of sweatpants, hoping she would be more comfortable than sleeping in her cocktail dress.  When she walked back into the livingroom area, Benji was taken aback.  


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