Chapter 4: A Wonderful Day

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{The Next Morning: First day of VidCon}

     As the morning sun filtered into Ruth's hotel room, Ruth awoke to the hum of the city streets below.  Stretching her arms above her head, she looked over at the clock, it read 6:30.  She felt a surge of excitement — she was going to VidCon, a convention she had always heard about and seen online, but never thought she would be able to attend.  Now here she was in L.A, and she couldn't shake her feelings of anticipation that lingered in her thoughts.  She had a sense that today held the promise of fun and excitement, so she decided to get up and get ready to go with the guys to the event.  She ran into the bathroom to get a shower and to do her morning skincare routine.  She put on a peach, black, and white striped shirt with a jean skirt and vest.  She grabbed her peach flats and watch plus she had brought a matching phone case with her.  She quickly did her hair up into a combed back messy bun, then she was ready as she looked at the clock and it said 7:30.  She went out onto the balcony to read her Bible while waiting to meet Benji, Nic, and Nils.

     Meanwhile, next door, Nils, Nic, and Benji stirred from their slumber, the events of the previous day still fresh in their memory

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     Meanwhile, next door, Nils, Nic, and Benji stirred from their slumber, the events of the previous day still fresh in their memory.  Nic looked at the clock and realized they were gonna meet Ruth outside their door in about 20 to 25 minutes.  By now it was 7:45 and they were to meet her at 8.  With a shared look, they all got up to get dressed to go, their own excitement very evident.  While Benji and Nils finished getting ready, Nic booked an Uber to head to the event center.  They were no strangers to VidCon, somehow this year felt different.  Not only was the feeling infused with the possibility of new connections and unexpected encounters, but they were all eager to see what would be in store for them going with Ruth.  Ruth looked up from her Bible reading and seen it was 7:55.  She knew she had to meet the guys in 5 minutes, so she closed her Bible, walked back inside her room from the balcony, over to a stand, and she set it down.  She ran to the bathroom to look in the full length mirror to make sure she was presentable, and she looked nice.  She was ready and eager to immerse herself in the world of content creators, workshops, and the meet-and-greets she had heard so much about.  She grabbed her purse and said a quiet prayer as she stepped outside her door.  Just as she did, Benji, Nic, and Nils also walked out of their room, 8 o'clock right on the dot.

  Just as she did, Benji, Nic, and Nils also walked out of their room, 8 o'clock right on the dot

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     Benji's eyes met hers, and a smile spread across his face.  Benji asked her, "You ready for this?"  Ruth nodded, her cheeks flushing slightly, "Yep, I'm really excited."  "Us too," Nic chimed in, his enthusiasm infectious.  "We're so excited to show you around," Nils added.  Ruth hesitated for a moment before smiling brightly, "I can hardly wait."  Then the four of them headed into the elevator, down to the first floor, and out to the front of the hotel to wait for their Uber.  The Uber arrived and they were headed to VidCon.  Ruth had to sit between Nils and Benji, while Nic sat upfront with the driver.  They arrived at the convention center and made their way in together through all the creators and spectators.  The energy and excitement enveloping them as they looked and walked around.  The day quickly became a whirlwind of activities, starting with a panel discussion on the future of digital content creation.  Ruth listened intently, fascinated by the insights shared by popular creators.  She listened especially close when the 'Girl Gone Bible' girls got up to speak about their content and beliefs.  In between sessions, they explored the various booths, collecting swag and taking photos with fans of Benji, Nic, and Nils.  They caught a break to grab something to eat before Benji had to go.  Benji had planned for Nils and Nic to sit or walk around with Ruth during his Q&A.  They had other plans and Ruth had no idea that Benji was doing a Q&A.  She also didn't know he was the head of his own makeup brand called 'BERI by Benji', nor did she know that since it's launch, how much more popular he had become.  Nils and Nic disappeared right before Benji's Q&A, so Ruth stood alone in the back of the room while listening to Benji answer questions that his fans were dying to know.  Now and then, Ruth and Benji found their eyes locking with each others.  His fans began to notice his eyes being on something or someone in the back of the room, and when they seen it was a young woman they became a bit jealous when they seen how his eyes would linger on her.  One fan asked, "Benji, is the girl at the back of the room, in the skirt, your girlfriend?"  Ruth couldn't believe someone thought they were together and Benji was frozen in place.  Ruth snuck out of the room and didn't listen to the rest of the Q&A, so she didn't hear Benji answer, "No she's not my girlfriend...yet."  His fans oohed, while Ruth waited for Benji to get done with his Q&A so he could show her around more.

     After he was finished, he found her sitting on a bench, and they navigated the crowded convention center looking for Nic and Nils.  Ruth and Benji noticed their conversations flowing effortlessly.  They talked about everything from their favorite creators to their personal passions and dreams.  Ruth shared her love for God and how her faith guided her creativity in everything she did, while Benji spoke about the joy he found in making content that inspired and entertained people.  Ruth couldn't help but notice how comfortable she began to feel around Benji now that she was beginning to get to know him.  His genuine interest in her thoughts and his easy going nature made her feel at ease.  They laughed together, exchanged ideas, and even collaborated on a spontaneous TikTok video that left them both in fits of laughter.  Nic and Nils had been following and watching at a distance and could tell their friend was beginning to slowly fall for Ruth.  They knew that when Benji fell for someone he would fall hard and he had been through enough heartache, so they enjoyed seeing him happy with her.  Throughout the rest of the day, Benji introduced Ruth to some of his other fellow creators, who welcomed her warmly.  She felt like she was part of a community, and the sense of belonging filled her with gratitude.  She said several quiet 'thank yous' to God as they continued to walk together.  As the day drew to a close, they found themselves outside the convention center, the music playing not far away was vibrant and the crowd was alive with excitement.  Nic and Nils finally made their presence evident and they were close by to Benji and Ruth.  Standing side by side, Ruth and Benji turned around and noticed the beautiful sunset, the sky painted with hues of orange and pink.  "This has been an amazing day," Ruth said, her voice soft as she looked at Benji.  "It really has," Benji agreed, his eyes meeting hers. "I'm glad we got to spend it together especially since these two left us alone," he said as he motioned to Nic and Nils.  Nic and Nils pretended to be offended as they got in contact with an Uber driver.  In that moment, surrounded by the day one energy of VidCon and the beauty of the setting sun, Ruth felt a connection with Benji.  It was a glimpse into the potential of something more.  The Uber arrived, they all got in, and were headed back to their hotel.  As they made their way into the hotel, Nils and Nic walked fast so as to get back to the room and crash before the second day of VidCon.  Ruth and Benji walked side by side, their steps in sync.  The day had brought them close and they were no longer strangers.  As they approached their rooms, they knew that this was just the beginning of an extraordinary journey.  "Goodnight, Ruth," Benji said, his smile warm and sincere.  "Goodnight, Benji," Ruth replied, her heart light with the promise of what was to come.  And as they parted ways, both retreating to their respective rooms, they couldn't help but feel that their paths had been destined to intertwine in this most unexpected way.

*Hey everyone, I'm really sorry I don't keep everything updated often.  Recently, there's been a lot happening in my life, the loss of my friend's mom, work, and sickness.  I'm really hoping to keep this updated as much as I can.  Thank you for reading! - GodLover

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