Chapter 7: Unforeseen Moments

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{The next morning: Day Three of VidCon}

     Day three of VidCon dawned with a soft, golden light filtering through the hotel curtains.  Benji woke up early, a sense of determination driving him as he quietly slipped out of his and his friends' room.  He wanted to surprise Ruth with coffee and spend some quality time with her before the day's activities began.  He also wanted to get time with her before the others got together later that morning.  Ruth had got up around the same time Benji did.  She got out of bed, got in the shower, and was out by 5:30.  She got out and put on her Floral dress, cream cardigan, and tan high heels.  She pulled half of her hair to the back of her head into a low bun and pinned it with a cream bow.  She put on her watch, necklace, and perfume.  She went out into the livingroom, grabbed her Bible off the coffee table, then read some in the book of Proverbs.  As he made his way to the nearby Dunkin', Benji reflected on the past two days. He had felt an undeniable connection with Ruth, and he knew he needed to explore it further.  Ruth finished praying, then she put her Bible back on the coffee table and sat down for a while to listen to worship music.

     With a steaming cup of coffee, an iced coffee and a box of fresh maple buttercream donuts in hand, he returned to the hotel and knocked gently on Ruth's door

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     With a steaming cup of coffee, an iced coffee and a box of fresh maple buttercream donuts in hand, he returned to the hotel and knocked gently on Ruth's door.  Ruth was in the middle of her praise and worship song, but she paused it and went to the door.  "Good morning, Ruth," Benji greeted her with a warm smile as she opened the door.  "Morning, Benji," Ruth replied, her eyes lighting up with surprise and gratitude.  "You didn't have to do this."  "I wanted to," Benji said simply, handing her the coffee.  "Thought we could enjoy breakfast together before heading out, and Nic got you breakfast yesterday so I wanted to get it today.  Oh, before I forget, Nic and Nils are walking to VidCon before us to meet up with the other guys.  So I figured we could walk there together, if that's okay with you?"  Ruth nodded and agreed, since Nic and Nils were going early together, plus she didn't want to walk by herself.  They walked out onto the balcony and settled around the small table, the atmosphere cozy and light at the same time.  As they sipped their coffees and nibbled on donuts, their conversation turned deep, exploring topics they hadn't yet touched on.  After they finished their donuts, Ruth grabbed her purse before they left the hotel, and were walking toward the convention center, talking the whole way there.  "Ruth, I've been wanting to ask," Benji began, his voice thoughtful, "What drives you? What are your dreams?"  Ruth paused, considering his question.  "My faith drives me," she said, her eyes earnest.  "I want to use my story telling ability and creativity to inspire others, to share the message of hope and love.  I've always believed that we can make a difference in the world through our actions and words."  Benji nodded, his admiration for Ruth growing.  "That's beautiful.  I feel the same way about my content.  I want to create something meaningful, that resonates with people."  As their conversation continued, Ruth found herself opening up to Benji in ways she hadn't with anyone else.  She shared her fears, her hopes, and her testimony which had shaped her life.  Benji listened intently, his empathy and understanding making her feel truly seen.

     Eventually, they made their way to the convention center, the excitement of VidCon once again enveloping them.  They spent the morning attending panels and exploring the various booths, their bond strengthening with each passing moment.  However, the dynamic shifted as the day wore on.  Bene and Jacob, ever the opportunists, found their chance to steal Ruth away for more content.  They whisked her off to various activities, creating TikToks and engaging with fans.  Ruth enjoyed their company, but she couldn't help but miss the deeper connection she had with Benji.  As evening approached, the convention center buzzed with anticipation for the final night ceremony.  Ruth found herself once again in the company of Bene and Jacob, their enthusiasm infectious.  However, as the ceremony began, Jacob's behavior took a surprising turn.  Jacob leaned in, his intentions clear.  "Ruth," he whispered, his voice soft, "I've really enjoyed getting to know you and have had a really great time with you these past few days.  You're... different from anyone I've met here."  "Thanks, Jacob," Ruth replied, not picking up on his intentions. "It's been fun hanging out with you guys."  Jacob stepped closer, lowering his voice.  "I was thinking maybe we could spend some time together, just the two of us, after the ceremony tonight.  I know a great spot where we could talk... get to know each other better."  Ruth hesitated, sensing the shift in his tone. "Jacob, I appreciate the offer, but I think I'll be pretty tired after everything today.  Maybe another time?"  Jacob's expression flickered with frustration, but he masked it quickly. "Sure, no problem.  Just thought I'd ask."  As they made their way back to the convention center, Ruth couldn't shake the uncomfortable feeling from her conversation with Jacob.  She felt relieved when they rejoined the larger group, and she spotted Benji talking animatedly with Nic and Nils.  During the rest of the ceremony, Ruth kept a respectful distance from Jacob, focusing instead on the event and the friends she had made.  As the final speeches were given and the crowd began to cheer, Ruth felt a sense of accomplishment and connection, both to VidCon and to the people she had met.

  As the final speeches were given and the crowd began to cheer, Ruth felt a sense of accomplishment and connection, both to VidCon and to the people she had met

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     After the ceremony, as the group started to leave, Jacob made one last attempt.  He grabbed Ruth's arm gently but firmly, pulling her aside.  "Ruth, can we talk for a minute?"  Benji noticed the interaction from a distance and began making his way over, sensing Ruth's discomfort.  "Jacob, I'm really tired," Ruth said, trying to keep her voice calm.  "We can talk tomorrow."  "Come on, Ruth," Jacob insisted, his frustration seeping through.  "Just a few minutes."  Before Ruth could react, Jacob attempted to kiss her.  Shocked and unprepared, Ruth started to pull away, but before she could fully respond, a blur of movement caught her eye.  Benji stepped in, placing himself between Ruth and Jacob.  Benji, having noticed Jacob's advance, acted on instinct. He stepped forward and, with a swift and powerful motion, decked Jacob, sending him stumbling backward.  "Benji!" Ruth exclaimed, her heart racing.  Without missing a beat, Benji took Ruth's hand and led her away from the crowd, his grip firm but gentle.  They ran through the convention center, the noise and chaos fading into the background as they found a quiet corner away from prying eyes.  "Ruth, are you okay?" Benji asked, his eyes filled with concern.  "I'm fine," Ruth replied, her voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through her veins.  "Thank you, Benji."  Benji nodded, his expression softening.  "I couldn't just stand by and let that happen."  Ruth's heart swelled with gratitude and something deeper.  "You didn't have to, but I'm glad you did."  In that quiet corner, away from the excitement and drama of VidCon, Ruth and Benji shared a moment of profound connection.  The intensity of the evening had brought them even closer, and as they stood there, hand in hand, they knew that their bond was something truly special.  As they made their way back to the hotel, the events of the day replayed in their minds.  Despite the unexpected turn of events, they felt a sense of clarity and purpose.  Whatever challenges lay ahead, they were ready to face them together.

*Hey everyone, I'm working really hard to get this story finished without it taking forever.  I had to republish some parts because the music originally on was deleted.  Please enjoy reading.  If something sticks out that needs corrected, let me know.  Thanks for reading! - GodLover

The Girl Who Fell In Love With A TikToker - The Benji Krol StoryWhere stories live. Discover now