Chapter 5: Morning Conversations

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{The Next Morning: Day Two of VidCon - Part 1}

     The early morning light gently filtered into the guys room as Nic slipped out quietly, determined to surprise Ruth with coffee and donuts.  He knew it would be a nice gesture after the wonderful day they all had at VidCon.  He had found out the day prior, that Ruth is a coffee addict, and that she has a sweet tooth.  As he navigated the still-sleepy streets of Los Angeles, Nic found a Dunkin' Donuts and picked out a selection of fresh donuts.  He got four coffees, one being iced because Ruth loves iced coffee.  By the time he returned to the hotel, the sun was fully up, casting a warm glow over the bustling city.  Ruth had woke up at 5, had the bed made, and had a shower before 5:30.  She quickly did her skincare before putting on her brown polka dot skirt, her tan cami with the brown cardigan, and she grabbed her brown flats from her suitcase before slipping them on.  She pulled half of hair up and pinned it back with a brown bow, then she put on her jewelry.  After she put on her perfume, she picked up her Bible from the coffee table, sat on the couch, and began reading in the book of Mark.  She just finished reading, and began to pray, when Nic knocked lightly on Ruth's door.

      Ruth knew it was to early for Benji to be up, but she got up from the couch, and looked through the peephole

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      Ruth knew it was to early for Benji to be up, but she got up from the couch, and looked through the peephole.  She saw Nic was balancing the box of donuts and coffee cups in his hands.  She opened the door, staring at Nic while she said with smile, "Good Morning, Nic."  The scent of fresh coffee instantly filling the air as it wafted into the room.  "Good Morning, Ruth," Nic replied handing her an iced coffee.  "That's so thoughtful, thank you," Ruth said, accepting the it gratefully before she moved to the side, and Nic entered the room.  "I thought we could start the day off with some breakfast."  Ruth sat down on the couch, while Nic sat directly across from her in an armchair with the box of donuts on the coffee table between them.  As they enjoyed the sweet treats, their conversation flowed before it turned personal.  "So, Ruth,"  Nic began, as he sipped his coffee, "I know we haven't talked much about this, but have you ever been in a relationship?"  Ruth looked down at her coffee, "No, actually, I haven't," she shyly admitted.  "I've always been focused on my faith and studying God's word.  Also, my parents didn't allow me to go out and date around when I was young, and honestly, I'm glad they didn't.  Plus, I don't think God has brought Mr. Right into my life yet."  Nic nodded thoughtfully before replying, "It's good to know what you want and what your values are.  Relationships can be complicated, and it's important to find someone who supports your beliefs and dreams."

     As they continued their conversation, a knock from the door was heard.  Nic got up, opened the door, and Nils stepped in, his expression curious.  "Hey, I brought more coffee," Nils said, holding up a cup carrier with additional cups of coffee.  "What's going on?"  "We were just talking about relationships," Nic explained, grinning.  "Specifically, Ruth's love life."  Nils quirked an eyebrow and took a seat beside Ruth on the couch.  "Interesting topic for the morning," he remarked, handing Ruth another iced coffee while grinning mischievously.  "So, Ruth, any secret admirers we should know about?"  Ruth laughed, shaking her head.  "No secret admirers here.  I've been waiting for the right person, someone who shares my values and understands me."  Nils nodded, a thoughtful look crossing his face.  "That's fair.  It's important to find someone who respects you, has the same values and beliefs as you."  Curiosity got the better of Ruth, and she looked at Nils and Nic.  "What about Benji?  Has he had many relationships?"  Nic and Nils exchanged a knowing glance before Nils spoke.  "Benji has had several relationships, but nothing that really stuck.  You know, he usually ends up with somebody that is toxic or just not a good fit for him.  He's always been searching for something deeper and meaningful.  I think that's why he's so drawn to you, Ruth."  Ruth's cheeks flushed, but she couldn't help the strange fluttering feeling of excitement when she heard them say that.  "Really?  I didn't know that about him."  "Yeah," Nic added, his tone sincere when speaking about their friend.  "Benji is a great guy, and he's been through a lot.  He's looking for someone to see past the surface and understand him.  He also doesn't want to get hurt again, as he has been in the past."  Ruth nodded, absorbing their words.  The more she learned about Benji, the more she felt this strange connection to him growing.  A bond that seemed to grow stronger with each passing day.  As they were finishing their breakfast, the three of them chatted and laughed, the conversation flowing easily.  It was clear that their newfound friendships were deepening, and Ruth felt grateful to be surrounded by such supportive and understanding people.  The day began and Ruth couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation for what the day had in store.  Not knowing that her journey with Benji was just beginning to take root.  Knowing that she was surrounded by his friends who truly cared for him, made Ruth become overwhelmed with happiness.

*Hey everyone, This is part 1 of Day 2.  This day is continued in Chapter 6.  I can't tell you how much I appreciate the way that my first story (The Girl Who Fell In Love With An Australian) took off.  I'm hoping to get this story done as soon as I can.  I have a day or two that I'm not really doing anything, so I plan to get as many Chapters done as possible.  Thank you for reading! - GodLover

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