Chapter 8: Sparks on TikTok

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{Day Four of VidCon}

     The last day of VidCon arrived with an electric buzz in the air.  Ruth and Benji had grown closer over the past few days, their bond strengthened by shared experiences and deep conversations.  Benji awoke before Nic and Nils were awake, so he went to get to go meet Ruth.  Ruth woke up per her usual routine, and she put on her pink blouse, plaid skirt, and her black high-heeled boots.  She did her skincare, put on perfume, and her jewelry.  She pulled her hair into a high ponytail and tied it with a bow.  She read her devotions from Psalms before she picked up her purse and walked to the door.  Benji had just stepped into the hallway and went to knock on Ruth's door when she opened it.  They decided to meet early that morning, eager to make the most of their final day.  As they headed out of the hotel, Nic called to ask where they were and Benji replied, "We are heading to the event now.  You and Nils can meet us there later, if you want."  Nic agreed, then hung up and went back to sleep.  Ruth and Benji continued on their way, having good conversations as they walked.

     As they arrived and walked through the bustling convention center, the excitement of the event enveloping them, Benji couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation

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     As they arrived and walked through the bustling convention center, the excitement of the event enveloping them, Benji couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation.  Today, he wanted to spend as much time as possible with Ruth, capturing their moments together on TikTok and savoring every minute alone with her.  "Ready for one last day of VidCon?" Benji asked, smiling at Ruth as they walked through the vibrant crowd.  "Absolutely," Ruth replied, her eyes sparkling with excitement.  "Let's make it unforgettable."  They started by exploring they various booths, trying out new products, and meeting Benji's fans.  Benji filmed several TikToks, capturing their adventures and the fun they were having.  Ruth's natural charm and warmth shone through in each video, drawing even more attention to their growing connection.

     As the day progressed, they decided to do a TikTok live session, inviting his followers to join them in their final VidCon moments.  They found a quieter spot near a colorful mural and set up the live stream, the anticipation palpable.  "Hey, everyone!"  Benji greeted his viewers, waving at the camera.  "We're here at VidCon, and it's been an amazing few days.  I'm with the incredible Ruth, and we're excited to share our last day with you."  Ruth smiled and waved, her fluttering with a mix of excitement and nerves.  "Hi, everyone!  It's been such a fun experience, and I'm so grateful to be here with Benji and all of you."  The chat exploded with comments, viewers expressing their excitement and love for the new duo.  Benji began to read the comments out loud, "You two are such a cute pair!"  "Look at the sparks between them!"  "You two should do more collabs!"  "You two make a good looking couple!"  Benji glanced at Ruth, his cheeks tinged with a faint blush.  "So, we thought we'd answer some questions and share a bit about our time here.  Feel free to ask us anything!"  Questions poured in, ranging from favorite moments at VidCon to plans for future collaborations.  Ruth and Benji took turns answering, their chemistry evident in their playful banter and genuine smiles.  "Someone asks how we met," Benji read aloud, grinning.  "Well, it was an unexpected encounter.  Ruth kinda ran into us while Nic, Nils, and I were filming a TikTok, and the rest is history."  Ruth laughed, nodding.  "Yeah, I literally dropped my Bible right in front of them.  It was embarrassing, but it turned out to be the best thing that could've happened."

     As the live session continued, the comments about their chemistry became more frequent.  Viewers pointed out the way they looked at each other, the easy laughter they shared, and the undeniable connection between them.  The comments were now saying, "Benji and Ruth forever!"  "You guys have such great energy together."  "There's definitely something special here."  Benji felt his heart racing as he heard Ruth read the comments out loud, the realization of his feelings for Ruth growing stronger.  He glanced at her, finding her gaze already on him.  Her eyes filled with warmth and something more.  "Well, it looks like my viewers have noticed something," Benji said, his voice softening.  "They keep talking about there being sparks between us."  Ruth blushede, her heart racing.  "Yeah, I've noticed."  For a moment, they simply looked at each other, the world around them fading away.  The chat continued to buzz with excitement, but all that mattered was the connection they felt in that moment.  As the live session came to an end, Benji turned to the camera, his voice filled with sincerity.  "Thank you all for joining us and for your amazing support.  This has been an unforgettable experience, and we're so grateful to have shared it with you."  Ruth nodded, her smile radiant.  "Yes, thank you, everyone.  You've made my first VidCon truly special."

     They ended the TikTok live, his followers' comments still scrolling across the screen.  As they packed up his gear, Benji reached out, gently taking Ruth's hand.  "Ruth, I now this is all happening so fast, but I can't ignore what I feel for you," Benji said, his voice earnest.  "There's something special between us, and I don't want to let it slip away."  Ruth looked into his beautiful eyes, her heart swelling with emotion.  "I feel the same way, Benji.  These past few days have been incredible, and I don't want our friendship to end."  They stood there for a moment, the world around them bustling with activity, yet they felt like the two people in the world.  Benji squeezed Ruth's hand, a silent promise of what may lay ahead.  As they spent the rest of the day exploring VidCon, filming more TikToks, and enjoying each others company, they knew that this was just the beginning of something truly extraordinary.  The sparks between them, Ruth felt, was God's way of bringing Benji to know him through her.  She couldn't wait to see where God would lead them through this relationship.

*Hey everyone, Hope you enjoy this chapter.  My sister has been helping me to write these recent chapters.  I'm so grateful for her help, I couldn't have done them without her.  Thanks for Reading! - GodLover

The Girl Who Fell In Love With A TikToker - The Benji Krol StoryWhere stories live. Discover now